Page 60 of Earth's Paladin
Marissa snickered. “And to think you hooked up with a dude who doesn’t eat any.”
“Speaking of Baptiste, let’s see what the Earth has to say about his location.” She ducked down and placed her fingers on the ground, grimacing at its deadness. “I can’t speak to the Mother. They’ve done something to block her access in this area.”
“Is that going to be an issue?” Nelly asked.
“No. Unlike a witch, I don’t have magic. Just me and my ability to fight.” Nelly had supplied Daphne with an arsenal of new weapons. She had knives strapped to her body, more than she hoped to need. Baptiste might not be happy if she killed any of the wolves. At the same time, she wouldn’t hesitate if it saved his life.
Marissa’s lips turned down. “You’re not the only one cut off. I can’t access any extra magic either.”
The reply had Clive pursing his lips. “I might be able to recharge you if you run out of magic, seeing as how my power isn’t god-dependent.” Apparently, the wizard had an innate ability to siphon off stray bits of magic. “Although, this area is a bit lacking in juice.”
Nelly patted her holsters. “If the spells fail don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.”
“Remember, we’re shooting to maim, not kill,” Clive reminded. The wizard worried about starting a war with the wolves.
The wolves should be more worried about pissing off the Earth’s Paladin. Daphne had the full blessing of the Mother to do what she had to. Mother even encouraged her before they’d left, saying, Make haste, my daughter of the Earth, if you wish to save your mate.
“I’m going to talk to some of the inhabitants.” Daphne headed for a tree as Clive huffed, “We’re supposed to avoid being seen.”
“Wasn’t talking about the two-legged kind,” she muttered as she slapped her palm on the nearest tree. A shiver went through its trunk as she communicated with it, speaking aloud for her non-tree-understanding friends. “Where is Baptiste?” She projected an image of him for the poplar.
The tree’s branches rattled.
“It doesn’t know,” she murmured. “Given its youth, its roots don’t extend far enough to see anything of interest. We’ll need to go deeper into the forest.”
Clive glanced at the sky where the sun’s final bright rays turned all kinds of colors. “We really need to get moving if we’re going to snag Baptiste and get out before the wolves notice us.”
“I thought the plan was to put any wolves we come across asleep,” Daphne reminded as she set off in the direction her gut indicated.
“There’s very little magic to play with on this side. Less than expected,” Clive admitted. “Depending on how many shifted we encounter, that could pose an issue. They’re more resistant to spells in their wolf shape.”
Marissa trudged by her side. “If all else fails, climb a tree. That should keep us safe until morning.”
Speaking of safe… Daphne’s head canted as she heard a whisper in the boughs overhead. Her lips pursed at the news.
“We have a problem,” she stated.
“What’s wrong?” Nelly asked from her position ahead of them.
“Circe is here.”
Marissa stumbled. “Wait, what? How?”
“I don’t know, but that’s just made the situation a lot more complicated.” And dangerous for her companions.
“Are you sure?” Nelly asked.
“Trees don’t know how to lie.” Daphne pointed. “We’ll need to split up. You guys go find Baptiste while I handle Circe.”
“Handle her how?” Marissa pointedly asked. “Have you forgotten just how tricky and powerful she is?”
“I am aware,” Daphne grumbled. “But what else can we do? If she’s here, then someone has to distract her in case she’s looking to mete out revenge on Baptiste for snapping her neck.”
“We’re stronger together,” Nelly insisted.
Daphne would have argued, only the trees had more to say. “Seems like you’ll get your wish. The ash says Circe is heading for Baptiste.”
“Where exactly?” Clive queried.