Page 53 of Earth's Paladin
“Wait, the Pack has him?”
“Then I doubt he’s in danger. He’s one of them. Most likely he’s annoyed, though. He doesn’t seem to like his uncle much.”
“They mean to harm him.”
“What makes you say that?”
Daphne wasn’t one to lie. “I can feel it.”
To her surprise, Marissa didn’t argue. “Do you know where he’s being held?”
“Mother says they have him in their compound, under guard.”
“Unfortunately, the CA doesn’t have legal authority to enter,” Marissa mused aloud.
“But they committed a crime. They kidnapped him.”
“Doesn’t matter. The Packs have their own laws. They police their own.”
Excuses. Daphne didn’t have the time or patience to hear them. “I don’t care. I’m going after him.”
“Of course. I’m sure we can figure something out once we get there. Where are you? I’ll come get you.”
“Wait, you’re going to help? But you just said it was dangerous and you had no jurisdiction.”
“And? If he needs rescuing, then I’m in. Where are you?”
“I’m in a cabin in the woods.”
The correct reply but Marissa laughed. “You’ll have to be more specific. I need an address.”
A complicated thing to request from someone who’d yet to learn to read. In the end, Daphne had to go to the building where Baptiste had secured their use of the cabin and ask the person behind the counter to tell Marissa her location.
It felt like forever, waiting for her to arrive. Especially given Daphne’s hunger. The sun tickling her skin was well and good, but the hard soil didn’t allow her to dig in her toes and get any nourishment.
By the time Marissa pulled into the parking lot, Daphne was ready to chew the leaves from some trees. Luckily, she didn’t have to harm any possibly distant relatives as the CA agent brought a cooling bag filled with beverages and snacks.
The cheese and crackers tided Daphne over until they hit something called McDonald’s. The French fries—salty sticks of goodness—were the best thing she’d ever eaten.
Marissa helped unlock the phone with a waggle of her fingers, and as they made the long drive back to Nexus, Daphne called Nelly who answered, “Baptiste? Where are you? Your uncle has been calling the office multiple times a day, flipping out since you left town.”
“Baptiste is gone. His uncle found him,” Daphne stated. “He kidnapped Baptiste earlier this morning.”
“Daphne?” Nelly didn’t hide her surprise.
“Yes, it’s me. I have his phone and am on my way back to Nexus to rescue him.”
A pause. “If his uncle has him then he’s in Pack territory. You won’t be allowed inside.”
“I wasn’t going to ask permission.”
Nelly coughed. Must have caught Clive’s cold. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”
“Full moon tonight. If you illegally enter Pack lands while they’re in their moon phase, they will tear you apart.”