Page 38 of Earth's Paladin
“Once you escape this room, you’re on your own,” she warned. “I can’t guarantee they won’t catch you.”
“Worry not about us, we have no intention of being snared again.”
“Then you might want to avoid rainbows in the future.”
The statement caused Rufus to scowl. “We need to work on our weakness. But it’s hard to resist looking for the treasure we’ve lost.” Leprechauns claimed to have come to Earth via a rainbow road from a place of endless bounty. They’d been trying to return ever since, only the rainbows they’d been trying to follow turned out to be duds.
Marissa held out her hand, sliding it through a barrier that shimmered, which explained why the little men hadn’t fled already. “So we have a bargain?”
A tiny hand shook her finger. “Agreed.”
“Excellent.” She stood before waving a hand. “Good luck.”
“Screw luck,” yelled a tiny voice. “Let’s go fuck up some shit, boys.”
The small horde raced past, a bright blur of green that had to pause at the other door and wait for Marissa to open it.
When Baptiste would have followed them, she held him back. “Give them a minute.”
“How will we know if they’re keeping their end of the deal?”
“Because they’re strangely honest that way. It shouldn’t be long,” she murmured.
Whoop. Whoop.
A siren blared and Marissa murmured, “That’s our cue.”
They emerged to find a haze of smoke, making visibility difficult. People yelled. Leprechauns giggled. Things crashed and broke.
In that chaos, Marissa led him down a hall and through a door marked exit. The dumpsters rattled as they passed them. The alley lead to a parking lot that held many cars, but not Marissa’s, which he knew for a fact remained at her house.
“Now what?” he asked.
A set of keys jangled as she held them up. “We’re borrowing Ralph’s wheels. Although, I will apologize in advance.”
“For what?” he asked as he followed her quick stride to a rusted sedan.
“The mess.” She unlocked the doors to the car and announced, “I’m driving.” Good idea since she knew the city better than him.
The interior of the vehicle had food wrappers strewn and smelled heavily of deep-fried food, but he didn’t care. He was out of the cell. Time to find Daphne.
Marissa started the car and didn’t waste time getting them moving. As they exited the parking lot, a blacked-out SUV was pulling up in front of the building. He turned around to see who got out and growled, “There’s my fucking uncle.”
We really should eat his face.
Baptiste might make an exception to his “no eating people” rule, just for Frederick.
“We got out just in time, then. It won’t be long before they notice us gone and how we left. We need to ditch this car,” Marissa stated as she took a hard right.
“They took my truck keys, but I have a spare set in the wheel well.”
“Can’t take your truck or my car. They’ll be looking for them.”
“But I need wheels to get to Palusville.”
“Obviously. Good thing I have a solution.”
The pair of motorcycles she borrowed from a friend suited his growly mood.