Page 35 of Earth's Paladin
Fourth… where the fuck was Daphne?
“This is bullshit!” Marissa cursed as she paced the cell across from him. “I’m a fucking agent who’s committed no crime and yet they’ve locked me up like a criminal and hobbled my power with not even a hint of why.”
“Sorry we got you in trouble.” At this point, Baptiste couldn’t tell if it was Daphne’s mission, his Garou status, or both that led to this happening.
“Don’t apologize. I told you something stank, and this just proves it.” Marissa glared at her bars as if she could laser them.
“Any idea where they might have taken Daphne? Is there another set of cells?”
“Maybe she’s being questioned.”
At his suggestion, Marissa shook her head. “I doubt it. Her being removed mid-transport isn’t normal.”
She’s in danger. He didn’t need Garou pointing it out to come to that conclusion.
Agitation had him raking fingers through his hair. “We have to get out of here. When is someone going to come talk to us?”
“Should have already happened. Normally, we question first, then put a person in a cell if they deserve it. This entire fiasco is completely backwards.”
“I don’t know how long I can sit here doing nothing.” Worry over Daphne had him pacing, and despite the silver cuffs, Garou seethed and pulsed. It should be noted, silver worked on werewolves, but he hadn’t heard of it being tested on a Garou. Could it be that carrying the wolf god would allow him to bypass the restriction that prevented any kind of shifting while in contact with silver?
I’m stuck. That answered that question.
“Can’t do much until they deign to finally speak to us,” Marissa grumbled as she paced her cell. She paused as the door at the far end buzzed and clicked, giving entry to an agent.
Not just any agent. The rat himself. Ralph.
The smug fuck waddled to stand in front of Marissa’s cage.
“You have a lot of nerve,” she huffed. “Snitching on your partner.”
“How was it snitching? You said you were taking them in for questioning. When you didn’t show at headquarters, I got worried,” the smirking fuck lied.
“Worried my ass,” she hotly retorted. “You didn’t call or text. Didn’t knock on my door. You showed up with a SWAT team!”
“What else could I do when I realized you were associating with a violent criminal?”
“Those charges were dropped,” Baptiste argued.
“Guess our office didn’t hear.” More lying by the asshole who didn’t deserve to wear a badeg.
“Well, you know now. Release us.”
“No can do.” Ralph smirked. “Boss wants to know what you were doing with them in your house.”
“We were having a chat over breakfast. You know the meal you have twice before lunch,” Marissa tartly tossed.
Ralph bristled. “No need to be a bitch.”
It led to Baptiste growling. “Watch your mouth.”
The fat fuck whirled and had the nerve to smirk. “Or what? You’re bound in silver and in a cell. What are you going to do?”
Let me eat his face.
He just might if Ralph kept pushing his buttons.