Page 31 of Earth's Paladin
Marissa’s gaze shifted to Baptiste. “And you’re okay with that? I thought the SMU was about capturing and bringing in the monsters.”
He hedged. “Technically, I’m not on active duty. A personal matter forced me to take a leave of absence. I’m basically just a chauffeur.”
“I don’t need his help handling a witch,” Daphne scoffed.
A chime sounded and Marissa stiffened.
“What is that?” he asked, rising from his seat.
We’ve got company, Garou stated before Marrisa could reply.
“Someone’s on the roof.” Her expression grim, she set down her mug.
His gaze went upward as if he could see through the ceiling. “Could it be a bird or raccoon?”
“The spell is detecting two humanoid figures.” Marissa’s gaze went out of focus. “Three more have just come over the fence from the alley in the back. And a pair of vans just parked out front with another half dozen people.”
“Any idea who?”
“Agents from my office.” Her lips flattened. “I think Ralph ratted us out.”
Daphne stood and pulled her daggers, leading to Baptiste growling, “You can’t kill CA agents.” He then glanced at Marissa. “I assume they’re here to bring us in for questioning.”
“Maybe. It’s odd they didn’t try contacting me first.” Her phone sat on the table and showed no notifications when she tapped the screen to wake it. “Let me go outside and chat with them. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding and they think you’ve taken me hostage.”
Marissa left them, and Baptiste moved from the kitchen to the dark living room where he could watch from the window, keeping his bulk to the side in case of snipers. He observed as Marissa emerged and confronted a woman in a pantsuit standing alongside Ralph. It seemed Marissa had been correct about the rat.
The good, quality windows kept him from hearing anything, but it did appear as if Marissa argued. Her hands waved and when Ralph dangled handcuffs, she slapped at them.
Two more agents moved in, boxing Marissa. Their hostess kept protesting but didn’t fight as Ralph cuffed and loaded her in the back of a van. That didn’t bode well if they were arresting one of their own.
I won’t let them take us alive! Garou promised.
We’re not fighting the good guys, Baptiste replied with a grimace. “Looks like we’re about to be arrested.”
“I have done no crime.” Daphne had her daggers palmed.
“No, we haven’t, so before you go on a killing spree, maybe we could try talking to them.”
She eyed him. “Do you really think they’ll listen to us when they didn’t listen to one of their own?”
She’s smart, that one.
She was, and Baptiste agreed with her assessment. Still, fighting against the office he’d held in high regard for so long stuck in his craw.
An amplified message suddenly came booming through the walls. “This is the Cryptid Authority. Come out with your hands up.”
They didn’t say paws. Garou’s sly rejoinder.
“There aren’t that many,” Daphne noted.
“If you fight them, you’ll have the entire Cryptid Authority coming against you.”
“They would defy the Mother?” she asked in shock.
“They don’t obey gods, but serve the people.” Part of the oath.
“I don’t have time to be detained,” she complained. “I have a mission to complete.”