Page 13 of Earth's Paladin
“In my time, I would trade with those on my route for the things I needed. Or strip it from those I killed.”
Clive coughed. “Um, what year are you from?”
“Sixteen hundred and forty-two was when I went to seed.”
The rounded mouths appeared incapable of speech.
Daphne shrugged. “I told you I was cursed for a long time.”
“Almost four hundred years!” Nelly’s eyebrows almost fell off her face.
“I’m aware,” Daphne grumbled.
“Things have changed quite a bit while you’ve been away,” Clive stated.
“Apparently,” was her dry reply.
“Lucky you, I have the weekend off so I can give you a crash course on modern-day living,” Nelly offered.
The proposition had Daphne shaking her head. “No crashing. I don’t want to ever see a healing seed again.”
Clive turned away and coughed again. The man really should do something about his lung illness.
“I see we’re going to have to start with modern expression. Crash course is actually a term for rapid teaching,” Nelly explained.
“Then why not say that?” Daphne couldn’t help but sound cross because she hated feeling stupid.
“And this is why you can’t go wandering off. The world has changed quite a bit in four hundred years.”
Daphne might have argued more but the Earth Mother took that moment to say, Listen to her. She will impart valuable information. Your quest will still be there in a few days.
With her lips downturned, Daphne muttered, “Very well. You may teach me.”
Learn she did. Daphne discovered that the world was full of shops where, if you offered a piece of plastic to the attendant, goods could be purchased.
Daphne outfitted herself in an ensemble more to her liking of black leather britches. Easier to wipe off blood and gore. She discovered places that sold premade food of incredible flavor, her favorite being something called a cinnamon roll made by a Nephilim baker called Reiver who used to be a cryptid hunter. He'd married a witch and gone soft, apparently, given his new profession.
Many of the changes and advancements she encountered seemed magical in nature, but Clive explained they were actually science and technology. Like metal and plastic things called “phones” that allowed people to converse over great distances.
Nelly offered to purchase one for her, but Daphne declined stating, “I have no one to contact.” The only person she spoke to was the Mother, and they didn’t need anything special to speak.
Probably the thing that fascinated her most? Cars, which replaced walking and riding. The speed they could travel awed, but she fell in love with the motorcycle. They were coming out of a cobbler’s store when a roaring machine on two wheels blasted by.
Nelly took note of her dropped jaw and chuckled. “Noisy, aren’t they?”
“What was that?”
“A motorcycle. Harley Davidson Fat Boy to be exact.”
“How do I get one?” While not one to usually covet, she practically drooled.
“Not easily since you don’t have a license.”
That led to Daphne frowning. “Why do I need a license?”
“Remember all those pesky laws we talked about?”
Daphne rolled her eyes. “Rules. So many of them. Don’t kill. Don’t steal. It’s a wonder anyone gets anything done.”