Page 77 of Mafia Heir's Secret Baby
Daniel pulls away and nods. “And I understand why. He’s got to keep a tenacious grip on things.”
I stop and look away. Why is everyone starting to sound like a broken record? I have no wish to keep Xander from his responsibilities to the Famiglia. “I would never stop him.”
He pats my shoulder and nods. “You wouldn’t. But sometimes, he needs to handle some things himself. You can’t always solve his problems. As much as you want to.”
I could try my damndest. Any pain he feels ricochets in me, too. “I’ll be expected to stand beside him. Chicago already knows we’re to be married. Why can’t I be with him now?”
Daniel shakes his head back and forth. “You will be with him. But his priority is to keep you safe. He’s surprised to see you. Give him time to deal with this. You’d need the same if you were in his shoes.”
I sag into myself and dab at my eyes. He’s right. Much as I hate to agree. Sometimes, having time alone is necessary to heal. “Will you stay here till they’re done down there?”
“Do you need me to?”
“Not really. I think I’m fine. I’m just worried about him. He’s not allowing himself to feel a thing. It’s all bundled up somewhere inside, and soon, it’s bound to erupt.”
“He can’t be any different, Mel. He’s been trained and reared to be just that way. His Father didn’t allow for an expression of emotion growing up, and now he’s dead, the Famiglia will not allow it either. But I promise you he’s happy to see you.”
I know he is. That kiss just before he left had made that pretty clear. But coddling me here isn’t any way to show it. “I know he’s happy to see me.”
We’re quiet together for some time, Daniel browsing through the books on the shelves when the door opens again, and Xander steps in.
His eyes track the room, and when they land on me, my heart does a weird little flip, and I stand fast from the chair I’d taken.
I hurry towards him, worry clawing at the base of my spine. “What’s wrong?”
He’s not smiling, his eyes hard and flinty. “Me. I’m what’s wrong.”
I look up at him, already stepping into his arms. “How could you say that?”
He pulls away, takes my arm in his, throws Daniel a long, searching look, and then walks back to the door, his fingers twining through mine. “You’re mine, Melissa. I think it’s time the world knows it.”
Like the world didn’t already. But the possessiveness in his voice does something potent to me. I stop, tug at him gently until he stops, and when he turns to me, I bring my lips to his, nip gently at him, and then kiss him so softly I barely feel the imprint of his lips on mine. “I love you, Xander. I never stopped. I know I never will.”
Then I stroll by him, my chest too tight to breathe, my heart hammering, my palms suddenly clammy, wondering where I’d gotten the boldness from.
But my boldness must have infused him with some because, for the rest of the day, he keeps his arms around me, glaring at anyone who gives me so much as more than a second look.
Finally, we’re alone. Mel has just taken a shower and is now lounging on the bed, her legs tucked under her as she watches me on the phone with Lucian, who is staying the night at his grandpa’s with Gianna and Romero.
“I’ll come get you tomorrow, figlio. You sleep well.” I place the phone between my shoulder and neck and walk towards the bed, holding my hand out to Mel, who crawls towards me, her eyes wary, her wet hair sticking to her head in places.
“Good night, papa,” Lucian says sleepily. My heart flips over. I’ll never get used to him saying that to me.
“Good night, champ. Let me talk to Uncle Daniel.” I press a kiss to Mel’s hair, a soothing scent of lavender seeping into my nose from the wet strands. She looks up at me and presses a kiss to my bare chest.
I’m feeling too many things all at once. Hurry to take over from Father even as I mourn his death, fear for Mel and my son, and anger at the Russians, who it seems have not stopped digging at us. Not that I expected them to.
“How can I help Xander?” Daniel’s voice is mellow and calm. The calmest I’ve heard from him so far. I guess he can be pretty calm when he’s not threatening me over his sister.
“You can keep my son safe. I’ll come get him in the morning, but I’d like to keep the news of his grandfather’s death away from him as long as possible.” I grunt into the phone. I have no idea how he’ll feel. He’s still a child, but it doesn’t mean he won’t notice his grandfather missing at the table. Especially because he had more of a relationship with the man than he did with me.
“I promise you, he’ll be safe. Even if that means my own life is at risk.”
I nod. I know he will be. Daniel is as good as dead if anything happens to my son. “Good. I’ll see you in the morning.”