Page 56 of Mafia Heir's Secret Baby
He chuckles, the sound reverberating inside my core. He nips at my ear and pats gently at me. "Sometimes I forget how innocent you are. I wouldn't care, you know."
I kiss a trail of wet smooches across his neck, to his collar, where his shirt hinders my path. "I will. Lucian's home."
His hand tightens on my skin; he digs into my waist and then sighs. "Then you should stop. This hard-on won't go away otherwise."
I snicker, but I do lean away from him. Except he rolls his eyes and tugs me back into the cave of his arms. And I go willingly enough. I'm still caught against him when the car pulls into the driveway of our home, and we pull to the door.
He pushes his door open, glides out like a fucking lion hunting, and then holds his hand out to me, one hand on the door to hold it away from me.
I lift my bag off the floor where it had fallen and give him a playful glare. "This cost a lot of money, you know."
He smirks. "Get thirty more, Sole. I don't fucking care."
Why his response sends a rush of wetness to pool in my thighs doesn't make sense, but what makes total sense is the way I bend to the floor and sweep up Lucian in my arms when I take a step away, and he comes hurtling out of the house like a rocket into my arms.
"Mommy!" His cry is all I need. All I want at this moment. I hug him. Wondering how Xander's assurance was more than enough to assure me he was safe.
I'm happy to have him in my arms, but when he wiggles to get down and holds his arms out to his father, I let him go just as willingly.
There's a weird feeling in my chest. One that is stranger, but it feels new. It feels like magic. It feels like home. My son in his father's arms spikes tears as always in my eyes.
I wonder if it'll take a year more before the sight feels usual—feels normal.
I wonder if it will ever feel normal.
"How was your day?" Xander asks Lucian.
The boy lifts his shoulders up and down. "Uncle Daniel picked me up from school. We had ice cream at his house." He smiles. "That was nice."
Of course, it was. Uncle Daniel seems to be laying on the ice cream pretty thick these days, and I’ll probably have to talk to him about it. I turn to walk into the house.
Romero is at the door, his hand tucked away as always. I smile at him because, well, I'm in a cheery mood. It only gets better when I step into the house to find Gianna.
She hugs me tight and then sniffles. "I was so worried about you."
I place my arms around her and hug her tight too. "It was nothing really. I promise."
She frowns. "I know, but still. I realize this will be my fate now."
I nod at her sagely. I'd realized that truth this afternoon too. Any sign of a threat will have Xander hurtling us away from wherever we are to a place he deems safe.
Gianna tips her head to the door. "Where are the men? Lucian was about to head to bed. You should take a rest. I was hoping he'd be in bed before you return."
I shake my head. "It's just as well he wasn't. I'd have needed his warmth to remind me he's totally fine."
Gianna’s smile is warm and understanding. "I understand. I'll take him up. Dinner's in the fridge. I'll be going up with Lucian."
Xander's voice precedes his padding footsteps into the room. He's holding Lucian into the air while he blows air into his stomach.
Lucian struggles to get back, but Xander won't give an inch. Lucian's legs are swinging in the air, and I hope one doesn't knock into his father's head.
Gianna watches me watch them, then she steps towards me. "He's good with the boy,” she mutters. She turns and walks towards them and holds out her arms for him.
Xander's arms tighten around his son for a second, then he lets him go. "I'll come give you a kiss goodnight soon."
Lucian nods and drops from his father's arms to the floor. He runs up the stairs when Gianna points out that's where they're headed. She follows him up and I walk over to Xander.
He tips my head up, and the small smile at the corner of his lips nearly melts my heart like ice cream in the heat. "Thank you for giving me him."