Page 7 of Wild Ride
“Probably not, but you take whatever time you need. Though, I can’t say your cases would be too happy about the lack of your presence.” He gestures toward the stack.
“Yeah, I’d definitely say so.” The cases I’m working on aren’t anything that demanded attention, mostly follow-ups, court dates, and filing of paperwork. Someone would pitch in if it was dire, or I’d have had Wyatt bring them out to me.
“Well, I’m off. I’ve got a meeting. Glad you’re back.” Taylor claps me on my shoulder before he heads toward Susan. The routine is as follows: he makes sure everyone has what they need, tells Susan where he’s going and when he expects he’ll be back. The man is a creature of habit. It’s a good thing we live in a small town with not a lot of crime, or he’d be prime picking for someone on the wrong side of the law.
Chapter 7
“Done.” The last of my work is completed for the day, and it’s still early in the afternoon. Even though I started later than usual, after I walked Fletch out to his truck and said goodbye, watching as he drove off until all I saw were his taillights. Afterwards, it was time for me to get dressed, clean up his place a little, and then head home. I didn’t have to make his bed, clean up our dishes, or pick up the discarded item off the floors. In fact, he didn’t ask, but I wanted to do something for him, and it’s not like it took me a whole lot of time either. Once everything was done, I locked his front door with my key and headed home in yesterday’s clothes. The good thing with this apartment is the attached garage. No one had to see me do the walk of shame. I’m not ashamed, though, so the joke would be on whoever felt the need to run their mouth. Sure, it’d be fun to explain to my mother and father. Still, it’s not a big deal. Even if the conversation went a little something like this.
“Hi, honey, the tenant next door called and said you never came home last night. I hope everything is okay.” That would be Mom’s extent. Dad, on the other hand, would go, “Why weren’t you home last night? Did you have car trouble? Did you go home with someone? Tell me who it is.” Mom is soft to Dad’s hardness. That’s the cop in him, I suppose, and while I love them both, I’m a lot closer to my mom than my dad. A hazard of his job, working weird hours, and when he was home, Dad would still work. The phone never stopped, and cases never slept. Neither did he. I remember waking up for school, and he’d be sitting at the kitchen table, a mug of coffee with a carafe sitting on a hot mitt. There would be times Dad never went to sleep because he worked through the entire night. I wouldn’t know, and he wouldn’t tell me if I asked. All I know is he’d take a break to make breakfast for the two of us. It was our time together, but because of the time constraint, it still wasn’t enough. As an adult looking back, I know he was doing the best he could. Still, twenty minutes a day wasn’t enough for a girl to unload all of her daily woes and drama on her dad. When we were just about done with breakfast, Mom would come out of the bedroom, he’d have her cup of coffee ready and her plate made up in the microwave. She’d take me to school, come back home, then she’d eat breakfast. Seriously, Mom never ate first thing in the morning, whereas Dad and I are ready to eat the second our feet hit the floor. Well now, for Dad that is.
I push back from my makeshift workspace in my apartment, ready to be done with sitting for the day. The folding card table and chair aren’t the most comfortable, but it works for the time being. My place is a work in progress. There are still a lot of items I need to purchase. Mom offered to go shopping with me, a pastime we both enjoy, except I wasn’t ready to junk up the place for the sake of going on a shopping spree. This is, for all intents and purposes, my first big girl place. My apartment before this one was more like a haphazardly thrown together hot mess express.
My back, neck, and even my ass hurt from sitting in one position for too long. The bath I took after coming home this morning is no longer helping. The slight twinge of pain when I move my legs reminds me of the way Fletcher took me.
“I guess it’s time to eat something.” My stomach grumbles. I haven’t eaten since earlier this morning, and the energy from that bagel is long gone. I’m still in what I like to call my work clothes—a black fitted scoop neck tee sans bra because why bother if I’m not on a live video call with a potential client. A pair of old gray sweatpants from my early days in college and ankle socks. I also keep a jacket nearby in case the air conditioning kicks on. There’s nothing worse than being on a computer for hours and freezing to death.
I weigh out my options: get dressed and go to the grocery store or get dressed and see if my best friend, Madelyn, has time to meet up. I pick up my phone, face recognition unlocking it, and got to my contacts. She’s the third one down on my favorites list, and my thumb presses her name on the screen. I place the call on speakerphone. It rings a couple of times, giving me ample opportunity to pick up my coffee mug, the various pens, pencils, and notepads I use to scribble my notes on.
“Well, if this isn’t a pleasant surprise,” Madelyn greets me.
“Wanna meet up for some shopping and pizza?”
Tacos and margaritas sound like a good idea, except then I’d have to drive home, which means limiting myself to one. My best friend living in Peach Springs is the absolute best thing ever. We lived in a dorm room our freshman year, then transferred to an apartment. After graduation, we drifted apart physically to start our lives, yet we talked every single day. A call, a text, a FaceTime call, it never failed that we’d gab on the phone for hours and hours at a time. I hung back, only really visited during holidays and breaks, choosing to stay in college longer than most would. I’m an overachiever, what can I say?
“That’s a dumb question. When and where?” This is why I love Madelyn—she’s up for anything. Now that she’s with Asher and isn’t working her fingers to the bone, it’s even better.
“The Feather Your Nest, of course.” Our town may be small, but we have a lot to do here—vintage shopping, boutiques, nature parks, restaurants, and there’s even a bar. “Followed by Peach Pie?” I could really go for a buffalo chicken pizza and a Cesar salad. Yes, I’m the weirdo who eats vegetables with greasy carbohydrate meals. Sue me; it’s called balance.
“I’m in,” Madelyn replies. I look down at my wardrobe of choice and run my fingers through my hair. It’s a knotted mess, and it looks like I’ll be keeping it up for the time being.
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’ll be there in thirty. Can you be ready in that time frame?” she teases me. Yes, it takes me awhile to get ready. Blame it on my penchant for getting sidetracked. I’ll start getting dressed, move into the kitchen, wash dishes, go back to getting ready in the way of makeup, then repeat the process, only this time, it’ll be another mundane task like making my bed. Finally, after a lot longer than I’d care to admit, I’m ready.
“Umm, maybe?” I reply in more of a question.
“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter how long you take. Asher is working, and I have the afternoon free. Which, by the way, how are you managing to sneak away today?” Don’t think about it, Delilah, do not think about it, I tell myself over and over again. It’s not what you think. I will wholeheartedly spill my guts the minute we are alone and no one else is around. What I’m thinking about has butterflies swirling around in my stomach. It’s the potential at seeing Fletcher while I’m in town.
“I’m starving, on the verge of gnawing my arm off and tempted to wear what I have on. Plus, I managed to work for five hours straight without any interruptions.” My headphones were in, and I was jamming out to my moody playlist.
“Well, then, I guess we’ll find out if you can actually meet me in thirty minutes. In case you didn’t know already, I love you, ratty clothes and all.” Madelyn laughs.
“Very funny.” I laugh and hit the end button. I’m about to make my best friend eat her words.
Chapter 8
I’d recognize her car anywhere. Pizza wasn’t on my radar after my shift, but it sure as hell is now. I was going to hit up Peaches, the local diner in town, but veered off away from my path I saw Delilah’s bright red coupé parked out front of Peach Pie. I was parked and out of my truck faster than I cared to admit. Keeping this shit quiet is going to be harder than I initially thought. My eyes lock on Delilah’s back, and when I see she’s with my brother Asher’s woman, Madelyn, I walk toward the two of them.
“Hey, Fletch,” Madelyn greets before I reach the table. Delilah looks over her shoulder and stares right at me. Yep, this shit isn’t going to last. Either I’m going to have to buck the fuck up and be a man, or Chief Taylor is going to find out before we’re ready.
“Hi, Madelyn, Delilah.” The woman who’s got me all kinds of screwed up smiles sweetly at me.
“Hey, Fletcher.” Her soft voice hits me in the gut and dick.