Page 12 of Wild Ride
“10-4,” dispatch responds on the other end. I step out of my car and pocket my keys. I resituate my bulletproof vest. The damn thing likes to sit up high when you’re sitting down. While we’re pretty relaxed at the station, not having to wear the standard uniform like most precincts, we’re still cautious. Out of habit, my hand lands on my hip where the police-issued Glock 43 is in its holster, safety on but at the ready. On the other side of my belt is a Taser and handcuffs. My badge hangs on a chain around my neck. I walk up the driveway toward the house for the welfare check. When I got in my car, powered up my laptop, and read through the report, it was pretty vague. An individual called the station, stating they hadn’t heard from their daughter in a couple of days. They live out of town and weren’t able to come down for another two days. The grass is a bit overgrown, there are a couple of trucks that look like they’ve seen better days, and toys are here and there. A playhouse, a slide, and a wood bench swing hanging from the tree with rope.
I walk up the front steps, sweeping my eyes back and forth. There’s no noise coming from inside, but I knock anyways. “Peach Springs police,” I announce. I’m not expecting a response. I knock one last time, repeating who’s at the door, and still, nothing.
“Dispatch, this is Sergeant Wild,” I speak into my two-way again.
“This is dispatch, go ahead.”
“There’s no answer at the residence.” I’ll make time tomorrow to either come during my shift or see if Chief Taylor wants me to stick around later in order to come back when someone will be home. Either that, or he can assign another deputy to take over. I know Taylor enough, though; once you take on a call, he likes you to see it through.
I’m walking back down the driveway when a neighbor is out walking her dog, or more like the dog is walking her. A small canine, what most would call an ankle biter, whose bark is a lot bigger than his bite. Still, I don’t move until her dog is more secure.
“Batman, that’s enough.” I watch as she brings him in, slowly, until she’s got the miniature Yorkie within reach. The young woman bends down and picks up her wannabe voracious beast. “Sorry about that.” She looks over her shoulder. “You won’t see any activity at that house until the sun goes down. Unless it’s the weekend, then it’s party central.”
“I’ll try back then.”
“The mom and little girl are usually out then, too. The weekdays are hit and miss.” Makes me wonder if someone from out of town really did call it in or if it was one of the neighbors instead. Either way, a wealth of knowledge has been given to me in the short minutes I’ve been here, and I’ll be sure to document it.
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Have a good day,” I tell her, sensing we were at the end of her information dump.
“You’re welcome. You too.” She puts Batman back on the ground and then turns in the opposite direction of where she was walking before. Yeah, I’d bet twenty bucks a neighbor called this is in. Smart, if you think about it. Even with asking to be anonymous, people in small towns talk, word gets around, and if you don’t know these people well enough, who knows what they could do or say. I unlock the doors to my car, hitting the automatic start button once I’m close enough, and while I’d usually stay where I am to write my report, I think I’ll do it once I get to the house, where I’ve got a woman waiting for me at home.
Chapter 13
Iturn down the long gravel driveway of the farm, seeing Asher and Madelyn up ahead in the golf cart. I could easily be an asshole, hit my lights and sirens to scare the piss out of them. And I would if Madelyn weren’t with my oldest brother. I’d like to get home to Delilah. The last thing I need is him trying to whoop my ass for scaring the shit out of Madelyn. It’s not like I wouldn’t do the exact same thing if Asher did similar to Delilah.
Asher waves me around, and I don’t bother stopping to chat. I’ll lose track of time, and the text Delilah sent, a picture with her in the kitchen, standing at the stove, a glass of wine in her hand, a soft smile, and I’ll just bet she’s not wearing a bra beneath her tee, makes me not want to lose a second. Less than a week in her company, and here I am, rushing to get home after work, ready to get inside instead of staying well past quitting time at the station. As soon as I’ve rounded my brother and Madelyn, I continue my journey until I’m toward the back of the farm. Asher lives in the main house. Beau has a room, too, but I prefer to live on my own, and Asher did a lot for us growing up, shit so did our oldest brother Owen. If anyone deserves the man house it’s those two. I’m not sure Owen wants it now that he’s out doing his own thing. The fresh scent of peaches blooming comes through the air vent, and while I may not work here full-time like I’m sure our parents would have wanted, I still like having some of the perks of having the family last name, and it’s not like I won’t pitch in when needed.
I pull into the paved driveway. Delilah’s car is in the garage, where it belongs. My personal truck doesn’t fit in it, and my squad car can stay outside for all I care. I make quick work of putting my car in park, turning off the ignition, and unlatching my seatbelt. The longest part of the process is getting my gear inside, particularly my laptop. Every police car has a computer stand included in their car; it can be a pain in the ass to move it in and out of our vehicle. Hopefully, I can do it without Delilah coming out here to greet me before I make it inside. She met me out here yesterday after work, and I’m hoping it’s not going to become a tradition like her morning sends offs when I head to the station. It’d be hard as hell to pull a fast one on her if she were to meet me outside today.
“Fuckin’ A.” I finally get the damn thing loose without my laptop sliding off the stand and hitting the floorboard. Now that it’s in my hands, I’m backing out of my SUV, closing the door, and looking at the front porch. Looks like I’ve got luck on my side, and I’ll get to see my woman in the kitchen. I’m annoyed with myself for this taking as long as it has. Hell, I should have been home an hour ago. Susan asking me to go on a call made it to where I’m later than normal. A habit of mine that is slowly changing. Usually I’d work until I was exhausted, now I’m rushing home. I wouldn’t usually mind, except now I’ve got someone to come home to. I may as well name it Before Delilah and After Delilah. I’ve gotta say, I like the me After Delilah a whole fuck of a lot better. She grounds me in a way that makes me wanna set roots.
“Hey, you’re home.” I open the front door after rushing up the small walkway from the driveway to the porch. A door that I know is locked when either of us leave the house, yet it was unlocked when I just opened it. Damn, I get the house is way out here; still, I don’t like the fact Delilah is here by herself when anyone can waltz in.
“You know how to shoot a gun?” I ask without saying hello back. She’s not fazed by my abruptness.
“Yes, I know how to shoot a gun. I have my own, too, a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield Plus.” My cock hardens, thinking about how she’d look with a gun in her hand at a range. Legs shoulder width apart, arms out, the palm of her hand holding the one with her pistol in it. Fuck, yeah, I’d push my luck, too, press my body up against hers, drag my hand up her outer thighs, and in a perfect world, she’d be wearing a sundress. Damn, but I love when she gives me access to her body easily. “Anything else you need to know?”
“Yeah, why the front door was unlocked, and when am I gonna see you shoot?”
Chapter 14
Iwatch as Fletcher Wild closes and locks the front door. The emphasis of him turning the deadbolt echoes through the room. There’s an urban legend of sorts that claims we marry our fathers. Well, right now, I can’t debunk that statement whatsoever. “I knew you were on your way home. You sent me a message twenty minutes ago. You see, I’ve got my hands full, well, five minutes ago, before it was time to start working with the dough, I unlocked the door. As for the other part of your question, name the time and place. I’ll guarantee you I’m a good shot.”
Fletch’s eyes heat with need, he sucks in his cheeks, and I watch as his teeth press down onto his plush lower lip. It’s a good thing I’m leaning against the counter. Watching him go through his evening routine is hot as hell. I’ve seen him dress and undress, but I couldn’t tell you which is my favorite. I’d say both are equally as hot. A man in uniform is hotter than hot. A man you love in uniform… well, that’s off the charts hot.
“Delilah.” I avert my gaze from his hands working on his police duty belt. I’m remembering his deft fingers doing wickedly amazing things to me any time he can get his hands on my body.
“Hmm,” I respond, licking my lips. Our eyes lock. He’s ready to attack me in a way that I’ll forget about the dinner I have made and the cookies I’m baking.
“No more leaving the door unlocked when I’m not home. I hope like hell you don’t do it at your apartment either.” I go start to tell him of course not, I am, after all a cop’s daughter, except I’m unable to as Fletch carries on, “I’m sure you can take care of yourself, so don’t think I’m doubting you for a minute. It’s the other fuckers out there who can hurt you, okay?” He is a natural protective alpha male, and I’m the lucky girl who gets to call him mine. I nod my response. Dad told me when Fletcher settled in at Peach Springs Police Department, he came from a bigger precinct. One where he worked undercover in a unit. Dad didn’t elaborate what he did, but I’m beginning to think it had something to do with his time as an undercover agent in the narcotics unit when he was in the city. A shiver runs down my spine. He must have seen a lot and dealt with a lot.
“I can do that, and my apartment is never unlocked when I’m by myself. Even when I’m not, the door is locked by either you, my mom, or Madelyn,” I clarify, wanting to reassure him. His body relaxes in what I’m sure is relief. “Please continue,” I do a slow perusal of his body, ready to watch him continue stripping down.
“Is that what you’d like, Delilah? You want me to take everything off?” His voice is deep and husky, doing nothing to stop the way my insides quiver for him.