Page 59 of Deeply Hers
He's probably right about the outfit though. Gideon is going to lose his mind about it. But that's precisely the point. I like keeping my man on his toes. And this tiny little dress will definitely do that.
I fluff my hair and apply another coat of lipstick before slipping out of the dressing room to hide until it's time to go onstage. If he can't find me, he can't make me change. And I know darn well that Cormac is going to snitch on me.
He is his father's son, through and through.
I hide in the wings, watching Winter's set on stage. Ronan's wife is one of my closest friends now. I absolutely love her.
A few minutes later, I see Cormac sneaking past with a box in his hands.
What in the world?
I watch through narrowed eyes as he creeps up to the edge of the stage, trying to remain hidden. A claw extends out over the side of the box as he kneels toward the floor.
Holy crap.
I jump out of my hiding spot, scurrying toward him.
"Don't you even think about it," I growl as he starts to tip the box sideways to release whatever animal he's hiding inside of it.
He sees me coming and jumps to his feet, trying to thrust the box behind his back.
"Cormac Carmichael, get your butt away from this stage right now."
"Ma, I wasn't doing nothing," he lies.
I snatch the box from behind his back, groaning when I see half a dozen lobsters milling around inside.
"Lobsters, Cormac? You were going to release lobsters on stage?"
"Only because I couldn't find Dad," he mumbles.
"Where did you even get them from?"
"I bought them from the kitchen."
"You bought them? How in the world did you get the money to buy six live lobsters?"
Of course Winter's band member gave him the money. The man in insane.
I scoop the box up under my arm, and hook my other through Cormac's, marching him back to my dressing room. "Sit your butt right there," I growl, pointing at a chair.
He sighs heavily and shuffles over to it, dropping into it like I just asked him to walk the plank.
I stick my nose out into the hallway and motion for one of the security guards. "Can you take this back to the kitchen and tell them my son won't be needing their lobsters after all, please? They can keep his money."
"Uh, of course." The security guard takes the box without asking any questions.
"Thank you." I beam at him and then push the door closed, marching across the room to grab my phone. I dial Gideon.
"Hey, Sparrow."
"You need to come and deal with your son, Gideon."
"What'd he do this time?"
"I caught him trying to release live lobsters on the stage."