Page 50 of Deeply Hers
By the time I make it to the hospital, they've got Zion in a room. Ma and Zayne are already there. Zayne comes out to the waiting room to meet me, looking like he's aged fifteen years.
Aside from the receptionist at the desk, we're the only ones here. I guess it's too early in the day for the mad rush.
"He's alive," he says without preamble. "He's going to be fine."
"Thank God," I breathe. For the last forty-five minutes, I've run through every worst-case scenario on repeat. It's hard not to go there. This is Zion. We damn near lost him once. They weren't sure if he'd survive the flight home. Or surgery. Or the first days or weeks. We clung to hope by the skin of our teeth. And he clung to life by his.
We can't go through that shit again.
"What happened?"
"Lyle Taggert shot him." Taggert has been harassing the model that Zion's protecting. However, from what Zayne said last time we talked, I think our little brother may be doing more than just protecting Makenzie Baird. It sounds to me like I'm not the only Carmichael breaking Rule One.
I suppose it's fitting that we all fall in love at the same goddamn time. We've done everything else together our entire lives.
"Did Zion kill him?"
"Sadly, no." Zayne's eyes glitter with malice. "But some genius thought it'd be a good idea to bring him here too. He's right across the hall. Our little brother has been tryin' to get over there to finish the job since he found out."
"Good," I grunt.
"You should go back and see him so you can get back to your girl. I know you don't like to leave her for long."
I eye Zayne sideways. "You sound disturbingly rational today. Why?"
"Maybe I'm just in a good mood."
"Your brother just got shot, jackass. Why are you in a good mood?"
He shrugs, refusing to answer.
"Holy shit," I mutter. "She stopped telling you no."
"Where the fuck have you been? She stopped tellin' me no days ago. We're planning our wedding already." He smirks, his eyes lighter than they've been in weeks. "I bet we beat you to the altar."
"I'm not betting on which of us gets married first, you idiot. My girl is being stalked."
"So, you admit that she is yours."
"You remember that time you hid poison ivy in Zion's sock drawer, but Ma swapped his sock and underwear drawers around the next day and didn't notice the leaf?" I ask, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Keep pissing me off and I'm telling them both why he had a goddamn rash on his ass for three months."
"Damn, I forgot about that." Zayne laughs.
"Yeah, she's mine," I growl. "And I may need your help tomorrow." I quickly fill him in on the situation, catching him up to speed on everything that's been going on.
"Jesus H. Christ, Gideon. Why the fuck haven't you said anything about any of this?" he growls, glaring daggers at me.
"I've been handling it."
"Yeah, well, we don't handle shit like this alone. There's a reason Zion's back there right now. He thought he was handling his shit too." Zayne mutters a curse. "I should kick both of your asses."
"Or you could be the older brother you've always been and help a motherfucker out," I suggest. "Because that's what I need right now, Zayne. You can be pissed later. But for now, I just need you to help me make sure I don't lose the most important person I've ever met."
"You know I've got you," he says, clamping his hand down on my shoulder. "You don't even have to fucking ask. I'll be there."
I exhale, grateful beyond words that this idiot is my brother. There isn't anyone else I'd rather have watching my back than him and Zion. Zion can't be there. He's got a bullet hole in him and his own shit to deal with. But knowing Zayne will be at the arena tomorrow to help keep my girl safe makes me feel a whole helluva lot better.