Page 46 of Deeply Hers
"Your sister is moving in with me," I repeat, pinning him with a hard look.
"This grand plan of yours better include a ring on her finger, Carmichael. Otherwise, me and you are going to have problems."
"Shit. You think I'd let it end any other way?" I give him another look. "As soon as this is over, you and I will be having that conversation."
"No need. You already have my blessing." He clamps his hand down on my shoulder. "She chose well. I actually don't hate you. So how about you don't fuck it up?"
"Don't plan on it."
"Smart man."
Chapter Twelve
"Hey." Riley slides into the seat beside me at the arena. "You ready for tomorrow?"
She squeezes my arm. "You're going to do amazing."
I wish that were my only worry. Ha. I wish that were my biggest worry. It's not even close.
"Someone broke into my apartment last night," I murmur, keeping my voice pitched low so no one else overhears. She knows what's going on because Gideon told her. I'm kind of glad someone else knows. I didn't realize how heavy all of this was until I didn't have to keep it to myself any longer. "I don't know what they left, but Gideon is freaked about it."
He thinks I don't know, but I'm not blind. I see what's going on right in front of me. There are cops crawling all over the arena. He's been on his phone, whispering since we got here. He won't let me out of his sight. Something changed last night. He's scared. I feel it.
But he doesn't want me to know whatever was left behind, so I'm not asking. He has his job to do, and I have mine. If I focus on all the bad things right now, I'm not sure I'll make it through tomorrow. This is the biggest show I've ever done. There will be thousands of people here. I'm performing beside some of the biggest stars in Nashville.
I have to get this right.
"I'm sorry," Riley says, empathy welling in her eyes. "One of the hardest things about this job is how alone you feel sometimes, especially when things like this happen. Not many people understand how isolating this job can be. It's even worse when you're being targeted, and you realize just how tiny the pool of people you can trust with anything really is. But I want you to remember that you aren't alone. If you ever need someone to talk to about any of this, call me. I know people who have gone through the same kind of things. They'd be happy to talk to you."
"Thank you," I whisper, grateful as hell that I have her and her team in my corner now. Already, she's been a Godsend. And I know how fortunate I am because Riley doesn't take on many clients anymore. But because of everything going on with John and the stalker situation, she signed me personally. I know how lucky I am.
"I know you've got Gideon here, but he won't be the only one you can count on tomorrow," she says. "I've hired extra security to make sure that you're protected. Do you have time to meet them?"
"Um, yes."
She grins, popping up and holding out her hand to me.
I take it, allowing her to pull me to my feet as I wave Gideon over.
"What's up, Sparrow?"
"Riley wants us to meet the security team she hired to help protect me tomorrow."
He nods, falling into step beside us.
She leads the way across the arena to a group of men nearly as big as Gideon.
"Gentleman," Riley says, calling them to attention. "I'd like you to meet Kenna Maxwell. She's the star you'll be protecting tomorrow. And this is Gideon Carmichael. You'll take your orders from him."
"Kenna, Gideon, this is Ronan Gallagher."
A behemoth with hard eyes and kind smile steps forward. "It's nice to meet you, Kenna." He lifts his chin at Gideon. "Gideon."
"Hi, Ronan," I murmur.