Page 3 of Deeply Hers
"Ma!" I protest.
"Well, it's true."
"We love you too, Ma," Zion says. "Please stop fucking calling us now. We've got shit to do."
"Fine." She huffs again. We all know she isn't really annoyed, though. She loves the hell out of us. She just gives us a hard time because she can. I think it drives her a little nuts that we're all grown and on our own now. "But don't come crying to me when your business crashes and burns because you don't have anyone there to answer the phones."
"What am I?" Zion mutters. "Chopped liver?" He tends to hang back and manage the day-to-day of the office while Zayne and I deal with most of our clients. He prefers it that way. And he's far more fucking organized than Zayne and I are.
Ma ignores him. "Love you, boys. Bye."
"Love you too, Ma."
She hangs up on us.
Zion leans forward, hitting the button on the phone to end the call. He laughs quietly. "I swear to Christ, the only reason she wants to work here is because she can't stand not knowing what we're doing every moment of the day."
"Nah, it's because Dad told us not to hire her. It's driving her fucking crazy that we're listening to him instead of her," I say.
"Shit. Why didn't I think of that?"
"You have to have a brain to think," Zayne says, earning a middle finger from Zion.
"Just let her answer the phones when she's here." I shrug. "It'll make her feel like she's got one over on him, she'll feel included, and she'll quit bitching about it."
"That's…actually fucking genius," Zion says, eyeing me like I'm brilliant. Which I'm not. He and Zayne are just idiots who shouldn't be allowed to call themselves adults. Ma isn't that hard to figure out.
"I have a meeting with a client."
"What client? What meeting?" Zayne gapes at me like I just told him the world is round. "When did this happen?"
"Two hours ago, at the gym. A musician."
Great. Now I sound like a game of fucking Clue.
Zayne narrows his eyes at me. "Is this a dick appointment?"
"What the fuck is a dick appointment?"
"An appointment in which someone gets dicked down."
"Jesus Christ," Zion and I both mutter.
"No one meets our type of clients at the gym at six in the morning." He shrugs. "That's where you meet someone you want to fuck."
I shoot him a dirty glare. "I'm not gay. I don't have dick appointments, you idiot. And I'm not fucking anyone at the gym. Jesus Christ. I'm not fucking anyone, period. I was at the gym with Bryant. His cousin's sister-in-law needs security."
"Well, now I think you're dicking someone down," Zion mumbles. "Bryant doesn't have a cousin."
"First of all, I hate you both." I point between them, which only makes them grin. "Second of all, if you'd stop fucking talking, I could explain. Third, the next time one of you says dicked down, dicking down, or dick appointment, I'm quitting."
"I don't think he's dicking anyone down," Zayne stage-whispers to Zion. "He's cranky."
I throw up my hands and turn to stomp out of the office.
"Wait!" Zion says through laughter. "Where the fuck are you going, Gideon?"
"To my meeting!" I shout back, refusing to turn back around now. I'll fill them in after the meeting. When they aren't pissing me off.