Page 10 of Deeply Hers
"Relax," he mouths. Half a second later, his lips come down on mine. He lingers just long enough to send a powerful jolt through my system and make it look believable and then releases me.
I stumble, partially because I'm caught off guard, partially because an electric current still runs through me, throwing the whole world off-kilter. There's no way I'm going to survive this man. None at all.
"See you soon, Sparrow," he says, one corner of his lip quirked up as if he knows exactly what I'm thinking and finds it hilarious.
I add an item to my to do list. Find whoever is stalking me, and then kill Gideon Carmichael slowly and painfully.
Chapter Three
"Are you still not talking to me, Sparrow?"
"Yes. I mean, no." Kenna turns a dirty glare on me from the passenger seat of my truck. "I mean, we have nothing to talk about, Gideon."
"It's going to be a long few weeks if we have nothing to talk about," I murmur, trying like hell not to smile. She's cute when she's annoyed. And she's been annoyed as fuck with me all day. Ever since I told her I was moving in with her, as a matter of fact. I guess she didn't get the memo that private security isn't a nine-to-five gig.
Until her stalker is no longer an issue, I'm on her like white on rice.
It's not a hardship on my part. Bryant forgot to mention that Kenna Maxwell is fucking gorgeous. She dyed her hair blonde at some point, but her dark roots have begun to show through. It doesn't look bad on her. It looks intentional, like that complicated shit women pay a fortune at the salon to achieve.
Her hazel eyes shine, and her skin glows. Not to wax poetic, but when she smiles, she lights up like the sun. It'll be that smile that brings me to my goddamn knees, I already know it.
Don't get me started on her curves. It's a helluva thing to be hard as a rock for a girl with her brother sitting right next to you, but there I sat, dick singing her anthem. Kane sitting to the left. It's a good thing I'm in a suit. Had he seen it, there would have been no explaining it away. Especially when she was reading me the Riot Act.
I didn't know I had a type, but apparently, it's a woman who isn't afraid to bust my balls when she thinks I'm talking over or around her. There's something sexy as hell about Kenna when she's standing up for herself. She looks like an innocent little kitten, but the claws come out when she needs to use them. I love that.
I wasn't built for a soft woman. One wouldn't know what to do with me. But Kenna? I'm thinking she might know exactly how to handle my big ass.
I just need to convince her that she wants to try.
"Do you annoy all of your clients this much?" she asks.
"No. You're special."
"Lucky me."
I chuckle, reaching across the console to run my hand down her arm. She immediately startles, whipping her head around to look at me. "Relax, Sparrow. I'm not going to bite you. If we're going to pretend that we're dating, it has to seem natural."
"I didn't agree to this!" she cries.
"It was your idea."
"No. It was Kane's stupid idea. I just mentioned it, and you decided to run with it." She glares at me again, her expression rife with accusation. "I was going to tell John that you're my long-lost cousin."
"Oops. My bad," I say, deadpan. I know damn well she was going to tell him that we were cousins. That wasn't going to work for me. Especially with the way he looked at her. Kane warned me that he's a skeevy prick. All I had to do was see the way he stared at her to know I agreed.
He said all the right things and smiled in all the right places, but he was pissed the moment he saw me sitting beside her. He wants to be more than her manager. The prick wants to fuck her. Too bad for him. That's not ever going to happen. Even if he wasn't her manager, she wouldn't sleep with him. I know because I saw the way she looked at him. She likes him. She respects him. But she feels nothing for him. The truth was right there in her eyes for anyone smart enough to read her.
"Oh my gosh," she says through laughter. "You are a terrible liar, Gideon. You did it on purpose, didn't you?"
"He wants to fuck you, Sparrow."
"Not you, too." She groans, covering her face. "What did Kane say to you?"
"Nothing much. Just that your manager is a prick. I happen to agree." I pull to a stop at a redlight. "I don't like the way he looks at you."
"He just looks at me, Gideon. There's nothing insidious about it." She rolls her eyes. "You really shouldn't listen to Kane so much. He's an overprotective, crazy person. As far as he's concerned, everyone with a penis wants to sleep with me. He doesn't like anyone."