Page 93 of The American
“I have an address for the Escalade,” Otto says. “Texting it to you.” All of our phones ding at the same time. “And if that’s me done for the night, I’ll be heading home. Again.”
“Not quite,” James says, stopping Otto halfway up to standing.
“Really?” Danny drones. “Because I’ve had it up to here today.” He indicates his head.
“What are you telling Rose about the body Higham’s reported?”
“I’m telling her nothing,” Danny says, giving everyone a moment of his threatening eyes. “And neither will anyone else.”
“Received loud and clear.” I return my eyes to the back of the club, seeing Allison appear. No Pearl. “That all?”
“Wouldn’t want to keep you from your date,” James muses. I give him an evil eye. I wish he and Beau would fuck off on their honeymoon, but I know that’s not happening anytime soon. And, really, I know we need all the deadly hands we can get right now. A shitstorm is brewing. Emotions are high. And the tension is off the charts.
“So, on the agenda,” I prompt, distracted.
“I need to meet Higham,” Danny says. “Otto, I need something on the bug on my old phone.”
“Trying, Danny. Really trying.”
“And find out where Luis is, what he’s doing, and who he’s seeing. Elsa Dove is connected to the Russians. I want to know if that’s Sandy or someone else.”
Where the fuck is Pearl?
I jump, looking at Danny. “What?”
“I need you and James with me when I meet Higham.”
“Fine.” I rise from my chair. “I’ve got some shit to sort in the office before I go.” I leave the men and head past the bar. “Mason, you seen Pearl?”
“She went to the ladies’.” Beau looks up from her phone. “A while ago, actually.”
“I didn’t see her in the restrooms,” Allison appears, dabbing at her freshly painted lips.
My spine lengthens. My eyes shoot toward the ladies’.
“What do you want her for, anyway?” Beau asks, her look accusing. “You have a dinner date to get to.”
I’m blank, without the will to even find any excuse or words. Where is she?
“A date?” Rose asks.
I walk away, leaving the three women at the bar, the unease inside worsening the longer I stare at the corridor entrance and Pearl doesn’t come out.
“I thought we were going,” Allison calls, sounding whiny and indignant.
“In a minute,” I snap, my pace increasing. I push my way into the ladies’ restrooms and shove the door to the first stall open. “Pearl?” I say, as it hits the wood behind it. I shove the next one open. “Pearl, are you in here?” I work my way down the line, the bang of each door deafening as I shove them open, my heart hammering more with each stall I find empty. I swear to God, if she fucking left on her own again, I’ll lose my shit.
She doesn’t know about the cocky prick looking for her.
I rake a hand roughly through my hair. “Pearl!” I yell. I pull out my phone and dial her. It goes to voicemail. “Fuck.”
I haul the door to the ladies’ open and leave, feeling in my pocket for my car keys as I stalk down the corridor. I see Allison coming at me. “Not now,” I hiss, catching sight of the door into the alley.
I slow to a stop, eyes on the door. “Wait for me in the club,” I say without looking at her, walking toward the door.