Page 66 of The American
Brad looks back, and both of us show our palms to the ceiling, silently asking for an explanation. He shakes his head, as if exasperated. He has a nerve. I want every little detail.
The moment they’re gone, Beau and I scramble up and dash to the window that looks out over the drive, searching for Allison’s cab.
“Well,” Beau breathes. “That was interesting.”
“Wasn’t it just?” I say, as James wanders in, not looking where he’s going, his neck craned, obviously seeing Brad and Allison go.
He faces us, his expression bewildered. “Who the hell was that?” he asks.
“A criminal lawyer,” Beau says, making James’s mouth drop open. “You didn’t know about her?”
“No, I didn’t know about her. Did you?”
“Only when she breezed on in here this morning and introduced herself.”
“Who introduced herself?” Esther asks, returning to the kitchen.
“Oh my God, you missed it.”
“Missed what?”
“The criminal lawyer.”
Her back straightens, worry plaguing her. “A criminal lawyer? Here in the house? Why?” She scans the doorway, obviously wondering if she needs to find her son and hide him.
“Brad’s guest,” I say, getting up and collecting my breast pump, unscrewing the bottle and taking it to the fridge.
“What?” Esther’s face is a picture of confusion. Join the club.
“She stayed the night.”
“A criminal lawyer?” she gasps. “What the hell is he playing at?”
I shrug, as Beau turns her attention onto James. “What’s he playing at?”
James laughs, then places his hand on his chest. “Why’d you think I’d know? I have no idea what the fuck’s going on in that man’s head these days.”
“He’s lost his mind,” Beau grumbles, smiling sarcastically as she hands James her empty glass of green. “I’m taking a shower.”
He soon discards the glass. “I’ll join you.”
“Oh, so you’re talking to me now?”
He scowls. “I don’t need to talk while I fuck you.”
“Oh my God!” Esther cries, disappearing back into the laundry room.
I grab the baby monitor and laugh my way out of the kitchen to go check on Daniel and feed Maggie, Beau and James following. “Anyone seen my husband?” I ask over my shoulder.
“Asleep in the gym,” Brad answers, his hand on the front door handle.
“Oh, you’re still here.” I smile at Allison. “See you again soon.” Will we? Is this a thing? Christ, a lawyer? How will that go down? Danny can’t possibly know about her.
Brad, obviously still amused, pulls the door open for Allison. “Tell Danny I’ll see him at the club after I—” His attention lifts to the top of the stairs, a veil of contempt falling. Frowning, I follow his stare, along with Beau and James.
“Oh shit,” James whispers as Pearl, looking casually glorious in an old worn pair of jeans and a baggy white tee, stutters to a stop at the top. The silence is excruciating. Brad is staring, eyes narrowed, jaw tight. Beau is chewing her lip nervously. James’s eyes are on Brad. Pearl looks like a deer caught in the headlights. And Allison, obviously confused, is smiling mildly, scanning our faces, wondering what the problem is.
“Hi,” Allison eventually squeaks, stepping toward the stairs, looking up at Pearl.