Page 49 of Ignited
“Please can one of you turn the spotlight back up? You know how much I love it.” Shooting them a grin, I pulled my workout top off and strutted onto the stage in just my dance tights, dipping into a sweeping bow.
My theatrics were forgotten when the opening notes of my song began, and I was swept away by the music, moving through the steps seamlessly for the most part. When my routine finished, I straightened up, panting, before I took a final bow.
Wolf whistles and cheers rang out from our audience, and I blew kisses and took several more bows, playing to our minuscule crowd. The fun ended when Ander shouted at me to get off the stage, and with one final gesture—this time, my middle finger thrown up at my housemate—I left the stage.
After a quick water break, we performed our group dance, and Leo gave the best performance I’d seen from him despite his obvious nerves.
“You were amazing. Both of you.” I grinned, pulling him and Alyssa into a group hug and kissing their cheeks. None of us could stop smiling, and I was so glad that we’d done this.
When the lights came back on, Leo disappeared with his friend Niall, eager to escape. Charlie, Finn, and Levi waved goodbye before heading outside, and lifting my hand in acknowledgement, I strode to the edge of the stage, lowering myself to sit on the edge with my legs dangling over the sides. Alyssa caught my eye, giving me a bright smile as she headed over to her friends. “Good job, JJ. See you next week.”
“Celebrate tonight, babe. You earned it.” I blew her a kiss, and she returned the gesture as her friends threw their arms around her, the three of them following the others through the exit.
Then it was just me, Ander, Elliot, and Niccolò remaining. Leaning back on my hands, I stretched out my legs. “Thanks for coming. I owe you. Drinks are on me next time we go out.”
“You were amazing.” Elliot smiled at me. “I mean, I knew you were already, but those two dances were just…you were great. Your friends were, too.”
“They were, weren’t they?” I returned his smile, replaying Alyssa’s and Leo’s moves in my mind. They’d both surpassed themselves tonight.
“I guess I can concede that you’re the better dancer out of you and me.” Ander sighed heavily, and I could see him trying to fight a grin. “But I do have natural talent.”
“You do, and you look good in my gold shorts.” We smirked at each other while Elliot rolled his eyes at us both. The truth was, I knew Elliot very much appreciated seeing his boyfriend in my booty shorts. He practically drooled every time Ander helped himself to anything from my superior wardrobe.
“Oooh…JJ.” I turned to see Niccolò shooting me a sly grin. “Your hot doctor’s here.”
“Don’t you start calling him that, too. It’s bad enough when G—” My words died in my throat, my mouth falling open as my brain caught up with what he’d just told me. “What the fuck? Where?”
He nodded towards the door, where an incredibly handsome man dressed all in black leaned against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets. When he saw me notice him, his lips curved into a hint of a smile, those gorgeous ice-blue eyes fixed on mine, and a whole horde of butterflies took flight in my stomach.
“Oh,” I whispered. But it was only 6:46 p.m., and I thought we’d agreed to meet outside. Why hadn’t I thought any of this through?
“What the fuck? Ander! That’s Dr. Wilder!” Elliot was elbowing Ander, and Ander was muttering something to him, but I paid them no attention, jumping off the stage and heading straight for Killian.
When I reached him, I suddenly remembered that I was shirtless and sweaty from dancing, and I came to a halt, glancing down at myself. “Uh…sorry. I’ve been dancing, and I’m all sweaty?—”
His hand came out, gripping my wrist, and he yanked me into him. “I don’t fucking care,” he growled, his lips coming down on mine in a hard, possessive kiss.
He was kissing me in front of his students.
Ripping my mouth away from his, I stared at him, wide-eyed and panting. “Kill. Your students.”
“I know.” Glancing over my shoulder, he smirked as he took in what I was sure was a range of shocked expressions. “Let’s see…your friend Niccolò knows about us, thanks to your grandmother. Loveridge knows, and I assume Clarke does, too, since he’s attached to Loveridge’s hip.”
I swallowed. “Can you please call them by their first names?”
His gaze flicked to mine, his mouth twisting into a grimace, but eventually, he nodded. “I suppose so. But just for you.”
My entire body warmed. “Just for me?” Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I placed a soft kiss to his jaw. “Sorry I’m not prepared. Are you okay waiting here while I have a quick shower?”
When he nodded, I stepped back from him. Spinning on my heel, I turned to face my three friends. Ander wore a look of resignation, Elliot seemed like he was still in shock, and Nic was grinning at me.
Arms wrapped around my waist from behind. “I’m rather enjoying the look on your friends’ faces.”
“You’re sadistic,” I muttered, leaning back into him.
“So they say. But not with you. Did I mention how delicious you look in these dance tights?”
“Don’t you dare make me get an erection in front of my friends. You’re lucky I’m wearing a dance belt under these tights.” Pulling away from the ridiculously tempting man who was chuckling darkly behind me, I moved in the direction of my bag. What was up with Killian today? He seemed to be fine with physical affection in front of his students, which was not what I expected. At all.