Page 8 of Lemon
“It most certainly is, bebé. Now. You tell Marge what you want. Tito will make it happen.”
Tito grinned over his shoulder at me. “I got that steak and eggs you love so much. Or do you want the big burger?”
“Steak and eggs, Tito. Over light.”
“I know what my girl wants.” He winked at me before starting my order. Marge set what I knew would be a chocolate malt in front of me, while Elena gave me an affectionate smile before going back to her office off the main kitchen.
“Them boys treating you right, darlin’?” Marge smiled but I could tell she genuinely wanted the answer to that question. Like if I told her they were all assholes and I hated them she’d not only displeased, she’d fucking do something unpleasant about it.
“They are, Marge. Every one of them is great.”
“Seen that pink motorcycle around more than once. Different guy ridin’ it each time. Same girl. Couple of ‘em brought her here, but I didn’t get the feeling she was with any of them. More like they were making sure she was having a good time or something. Seems like a sweet girl. Bit shy.”
“Yeah. That’s Gina. She is sweet.”
“You trade your bike for that pink one?” Marge smiled, not prying further when I had been afraid she would. They seemed to keep tabs on everyone. Not in a nosy, busybody kind of way, but in a genuine, caring way.
“You think I should?”
Marge tapped her finger against her lower lip, thinking about her answer. Then she grinned. “Yeah. If nothing else, it will make them all uncomfortable when you ride with them.”
I laughed. “I like the way you think, Marge. How’s the Pinto holdin’ up?”
“Purrs like a kitten, thanks to Rosanna.” Marge turned to get my order that Tito set on the counter. She set it and napkin-wrapped silverware on the bar next to my plate. “Red really found himself a gem in that one.” Red was the road captain for Salvation’s Bane. Rosanna was a mechanic at his garage as well as his woman. I hadn’t met either of them yet, but hoped to soon.
“Anyone who can keep your Pinto running the way you want it is OK in my book, Marge.” I grinned before digging in. The food, as usual, was absolutely delicious. I enjoyed every single mouthful.
“Where’s that man of yours, huh?” Tito frowned at me. “Figured he’d be here before now. You must have gotten a jump on him.”
“This was a spur of the moment ride, Tito. There was no way I was ridin’ out this way without stopping by for lunch.”
Tito beamed. “That’s right. I better never hear of you being in this area without coming by for a bite.”
“Wouldn’t think of it.” I grinned as I pulled out my debit card.
Marge frowned at me as she took my plate -- which I’d barely restrained myself from licking clean, and only because Rocket wasn’t here to mitigate the damage if someone said something to me for having the table manners of a pig. “What’s that?” She nodded at my card like it was contaminated with something unspeakable.
“What’s it look like?” I knew where this was going but I’d hoped to bully my way through it. Shoulda known better.
“What did Elena say? What part of ‘on the house’ did you not understand?”
“The part where I pay for my own meal? Ain’t no freeloader. Danica would have my hide if she found out and I wouldn’t blame her.”
“You want to pay? You take it up with Elena.” She smirked. “Let me know how that works out for ya.”
“No need to come all the way back here,” Elena called from her office somewhere beyond the front kitchen. “I can tell you how it’ll work out for you, young lady, and that would be not well at all.”
Marge smacked her gum with a smile. “Sorry. Boss’s orders.”
I scowled, but had to hide a smile. “I’ll get even.”
“Keep it up and you’ll never pay in this place again.” Elena was like a dog with a bone when she was trying to take care of those she considered hers. Apparently, she considered every motorcycle club in the area hers and Tito’s. Marge too, but she tried to pretend like the other two were in charge since they owned the place. From what Rocket said, everyone knew better. Marge was as much a part of the decision-making process as Elena and Tito.
I chuckled. “I think you three are the only people in the world I’ve met who I can’t get around.”
“Sounds about right.” Marge gripped my hand. “You do right by that club, honey. They might not like it getting out what they are, but they help people. Everyone knows that.”
“How do you even know they’re a club?” I tilted my head. I’d wondered how they managed to keep everything on the DL when there were so many of them and they were all rather distinctive-looking.