Page 2 of Lemon
“Damned straight, baby.” I leaned in and brushed a kiss over Rocket’s lower lip. “See me, love me, motherfuckers.” That got a laugh from everyone, including Falcon.
“Seems like you’ve got that situation under control.”
“I totally do, Falcon. Which is why I had your Harley painted pink.”
“Not… seeing how the two go together.” Poor Falcon. He was really having a hard time. He seemed to have even forgotten he was supposed to be pissed about the paint job on his bike.
This was why I liked keeping him off-balance. It was so much fucking fun to watch. I knew I shouldn’t enjoy myself at Falcon’s expense. This was actually serious stuff. But, honestly, I couldn’t help myself. “Because, Gina happens to be fond of the color pink. In fact, she told me that, if she knew how to ride a motorcycle, she’d save everything she could to buy her a pink bike. Now, me personally?” I shook my head. “Don’t see the appeal. However, if Gina likes it, I think we all owe her way the fuck more than one stupid pink motorcycle.” I pointed at Falcon. “You ever want to graduate to officer’s training camp?”
“Officer… what?” Falcon jerked his head back like I’d slapped him. Which, I mean, I won’t lie and say I didn’t want to. Not because he deserved it, but because he thought he deserved it. And I just plain thought beating up on Falcon was fucking fun.
But, not in this instance. Much. “Well, yeah. You don’t think every officer in this club will be around forever, do you? Or even want to stay an officer? There will be a time when your services may be needed in that capacity, though why, I’m not sure. You’re just as big a dumb fuck today as you were the day I met you.” I looked him up and down like I was judging him and finding him lacking. “Gonna take longer than I first thought with this one,” I muttered.
Falcon took a threatening step toward me, but Rocket growled at him. The younger man glanced from me to Rocket before slinking back that fucking threatening step. “One of these days, Lemon…”
I smirked. “Yep. One of these days I’ll hand you your balls, and you’ll probably just stand there wondering what the fuck just happened. You know. Like you’re doing right now.”
“Pretty sure Christ had little to do with it,” Leather muttered. “Satan? Yeah. Possibly.”
I waved them both away. “Satan has a restraining order out on me. He had nothing to do with it either.”
Knox barked out a laugh before moving from the doorway. “Give it up, guys. You’re never gonna get one over on that woman.”
“Whose bright idea was it to make her vice president anyway?” Falcon was back to looking all surly again.
“That’d be me.” Bear, the second biggest man I’d ever seen in my life moved into the room, crossing from the back to the front in his even, confident gate. He didn’t pause but passed by Falcon and smacked him on the back of the head before heading out the front door to the parking lot.
“Ow, Bear! What the fuck?” Falcon looked ready to do murder, but I wanted to laugh. God, I loved it here! There was so much glorious mayhem! And, being vice president, I got to cause as much as I wanted and no one said anything. Occasionally, Rocket would pull me back, but most of the time, he let nature take its course.
“Best get on your bike and go find Gina. Give her a few rides, make her comfortable with everyone here, and maybe Lemon will let you paint your bike black again,” advised Bear.
“Finally!” I threw up my hands in exasperation. “Someone who understands.” I looked up at Rocket. “You should make him your vice president. Oh, wait…”
Falcon mumbled, but Leather actually nodded his head, his face relaxing a little, and I knew he got it. “We should all take a turn, Falcon. I know it’s your bike and all, but if she likes pink Harleys, then I think we should all take her ridin’. Show her we’ll do anything to earn her trust.”
I tilted my head at Leather. “You just went up several notches in my esteem. Maybe we can put you in charge of sensitivity training.”
“Lemon,” Rocket sighed. “They’re doing what you wanted. Let them work it out.”
“They don’t seem to be able to, though Leather got the right idea. Kudos to you!” I grinned at Leather. “See if you can get the other dumbasses who don’t want to admit they did anything wrong to fall in line. You do, I’ll give you a cookie.”
Surprisingly, Leather chuckled. “Yes, madam vice president.” He sketched me a two-finger salute and sauntered outside. Falcon gave a dramatic sigh and followed.
Rocket leaned down to murmur next to my ear. “He’s not a bad guy, you know.”
“Yep. I know. I just like fuckin’ with him. Besides, Gina needs this. And I think the guys do too.”
“They do. I’m glad you recognize that. Of course, I’m pretty sure none of them would have voted you in as VP if they hadn’t known you’d have good instincts with us.”
“How’m I doin’?” I gave him a cheeky grin. But… yeah. I was ashamed to admit how much his answer meant to me. When Bear first nominated me for the position I thought he’d lost his mind. Then I thought they were all just fucking with me. It might seem like I was all bluster and it was all a big game to me, but I wanted to succeed at my role here. I wanted to help these guys learn to trust each other with things they’d spent their whole adult lives holding close to the vest, so to speak, and be the asset to Rocket he needed in a mate. I honestly didn’t care if I was VP or not. I did care that what happened with Scarlet and Gina never happened to anyone in Grim Road ever again.
Honestly, I’d been the one to tell the guys what had really happened. I’d seen their expressions and watched as every single one of them tried to process it in the days following. I included the guys in that tragedy. They didn’t need to have that situation happen to them again either. I wasn’t sure any of them had even looked at a club whore since then and, while I tried to stay out of the girls’ business, it wasn’t healthy for the women either.
Rocket smiled down at me with affection and pride. “Brilliantly, baby. Absolutely fuckin’ brilliantly.” He leaned down and took my lips in a searing kiss. I fucking loved the way he kissed and touched me. And the way he fucked me. He could be sweet and tender, but he could also be rough. Brutal even. Always, I loved every blistering second of it.
“Get a room, you two.” Ringo, the club’s enforcer, scrubbed a hand over his face as he plopped down in a chair across from us. “You’re always goin’ at it. It’s disgustingly mushy.”