Page 11 of Lemon
With a huff and a sigh, Chyna went with Plush without any other argument. I watched until the door closed behind them. The other whores all moved in different directions away from me like I had the fucking plague.
When Chyna was gone, I turned my attention back to Falcon. “Now. My woman.”
“Told you, prez. Ain’t seen her in a couple hours.”
“It’s not like her to ignore texts from me.” I mused as I pulled out my phone and scrolled down, trying to see when the last time she called or texted was.
“She ignores me all the time,” Falcon grumbled.
“Are you… sulking?” I gave Falcon a disbelieving look before going back to intently study my phone.
“I’m not sulking, Rocket. What the fuck? I’m just saying she never answers my texts or calls about club business.”
“And are all your calls and texts about club business important enough that I’d have answered them if you’d sent them to me?” Falcon just blinked at me. He opened his mouth, then shut it. “That’s what I thought.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “She’s vice president, asshole. Not your mother.”
“Thank God.” Falcon muttered his response, but I also knew he was just messing with Lemon. All the guys did. The sooner they accepted that she was exactly like me when it came to bullshit, the better off they would be. Lemon would absolutely deal with anything important. She would not take on all their bullshit just to keep them from having to deal with it.
“What was that?” I snapped, wanting Falcon to know I wouldn’t tolerate disrespect. Though, I’d have thought he’d have learned his lesson when I beat the fuck outta Ringo.
He raised his hands. “Nothin’, prez. Just that if Lemon were my mom, she’d have busted my balls a long time ago. That woman’s got a vicious streak.” He grinned. “I like it. But I’m glad she set her sights on you and not me.”
I snorted. “Like you could take Lemon on.”
“That’s exactly my point.” Falcon pointed a finger at me. “Ain’t too proud to admit it either. She’s way the fuck more woman than I could handle.”
“Good. Glad we got that straight. But you still don’t get to disrespect her.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Prez.”
“Now that that’s outta the way, where’s my woman?”
“It’s not like her to not be at a party when she knows you’re gonna be here.”
“Yeah.” I took out my phone and checked it. Didn’t look like she’d read my messages. Which was damned odd. “Crush in his office?”
Falcon nodded. “Last I saw.”
Without another word, I stalked in that direction. A couple of the girls tried to approach me, but one look at my face and they backed off. I didn’t like Lemon not being here. She was capable of taking care of herself, but I still didn’t like it. I’m sure my expression told how much I didn’t like it. And how much I wasn’t in the mood for bullshit. Neither woman came closer.
I’d rounded the corner as Crush opened the door and hurried out, his expression tight. When he saw me, he stopped.
“You need to be looped in on this, Prez.”
I followed him inside. Crush shut and locked the door behind us. Byte was busy at his computer, talking to someone as he pulled up several camera feeds.
“Is that Tito’s restaurant?” I leaned over Byte’s shoulder to get a better look at the screen.”
“What’s Falcon’s bike doing there? Did Gina go out with one of the guys?”
“No. Lemon’s on it.”
That surprised me. “Lemon? At Tito’s?”
“Yeah. But that doesn’t matter. Watch.” He started the camera feed.
“What am I looking at?”