Page 228 of My Dark Desire (Dark Prince Road)
I slipped into the pantry without bothering with the lights, rummaging through the snack baskets when the door shut behind me.
Darkness blanketed the room. I fisted a bag of cookies and sighed, turning for the knob.
I crashed against a muscular chest, gasping.
“You’re avoiding me.” Zach’s voice seeped straight between my thighs, an area he apparently had on speed dial.
I hated how my traitorous body never seemed in sync with the rest of my opinion of him.
I flipped my hair over my shoulder. “This seems to be a recurringtheme in our relationship.”
“Another thing that seems reoccurring in our relationship is my willingness to spend all my time, effort, and resources on you, while you completely disregard me.”
“Your Boss of the Year award is on its way.” I sighed. “What do you want, Zach?”
“Your company. Your attention. Your pussy. Just to name a few.” He paused, consuming the tiny space with his presence. “We have a deal.”
Our deal.
Our stupid, cursed deal.
“We have a deal that we’ll fool around when time permits. Wedon’thave a deal that I’m at your beck and call. Your ‘pussy for hire.’” I air-quoted the crass words, though he couldn’t see it in the dark. “I’m not your whore, Zachary.”
He crowded me against the shelves, his hand finding my cheek with eerie precision. “I never said you were.”
Zach lowered his head to get a taste of me.
I turned my face away on instinct. “Can’t right now. Just got my period. No hanky panky.”
“I don’t mind if you’re okay with it.”
“Well, I’m not okay with it. And actually, I have to go.”
Not a lie, per se.
Ididhave to go.
To my room.
To decompress from all the feelings haunting me since we had sex.
His breaths came out faster. “Go where?”
“A date,” I blurted out, cursing myself for such a stupid lie.
“Adate?” His hands slammed on the shelves behind me.
“Nice hearing, Zach. Yes. A date.” I licked my lips. “I told you—we’re not exclusive.”
“Name your price for exclusivity.” It occurred to me that he didn’t ask for the date’s name for one simple reason—he’d find out himself anyway. His fingertips grazed my collarbone. “Is it the pendant that you want?”
More than I want revenge.
That pendant brought me here in the first place. It forever lurked in the back of my mind. I never failed to glance at it when I stopped by his office.