Page 139 of My Dark Desire (Dark Prince Road)
Ollie vB:
Just Google two nurses one cop. Thank me later.
Ollie vB:
But make sure you do it through your iPhone to avoid viruses.
Romeo Costa:
For the millionth time, iPhones are not immune to viruses.
Ollie vB:
Aww, shucks.
Ollie vB:
That explains that $2M charge to Anita Hanjaab.
Zach Sun:
There’s no love involved with either of them.
Ollie vB:
Keep telling yourself that while you break every single rule you’ve ever had for Cinderella.
The first sign that I needed to pause the brakes on the trainwreck that was my situationship with Farrow Ballantine came from Natalie, of all people.
She cornered me in the conservatory, where I sat with six laptops open, trying and failing to track multiple markets on the tiny 12-inch screens. “Did something happen to your office?”
Yeah. Farrow’s in it.
I wasn’t avoiding her.
On the contrary,she’dspent the past three days since the sauna incident dodging me every time I rounded a corner.
Occasionally, she’d dip into my office and revisit our Go game, moving a stone here or there, but only when I wasn’t inside. Which, pathetically, forced me to set up camp in the opposite wing of the manor.
I didn’t look up from the screens. “Is there a reason you’re here?”
“Just concerned.”
You and me both.
Since when did I rearrange my life to suit the needs of another person that wasn’t blood related to me?
Better yet, since when did Farrow Ballantine become someone whose thoughts, actions, and emotions I considered at all?
I shot up from the chair, startling Natalie when it pelted across the room. Her jaw almost dislodged itself after I began pacing the floor-to-ceiling windows.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
I was going to erupt.
Three days.