Page 22 of When He Dares
He could easily imagine having her settled in his home, making it their home. He could definitely imagine fucking her raw. That would happen a lot. He didn’t have to worry that they wouldn’t suit in bed—their sexual wants must have matched up for the site to have paired them.
As for his cat… the animal was intrigued by her but no more. Still, it was better than nothing. More than Isaiah had actually hoped for.
Isaiah leaned toward her. “Enough of the hypotheticals. Can we agree that we’ll take each other as mates?”
Quinley’s gut clenched, but in a good way. She hadn’t realized how much she’d hoped he’d say that until the words flew out of his mouth.
When she’d signed up for the website, she hadn’t held much hope that she’d find someone who would suit her well. But he did. At least in theory. Whether they’d manage to permanently bond she didn’t know. The potential was definitely there, though.
He ticked her every box. As a submissive, she needed things in a mate that a dominant might not. A female dominant might find strength, power, and authority attractive in a male. But they wouldn’t crave them the way a submissive female shifter would.
Isaiah’s stabilizing strength and reliability came across in the confidence that all but poured off him. It seduced her like nothing else.
Her cat would accept him—powerful male shifters were its drug. She craved a strong and dominant mate who’d make her feel safe.
Quinley swallowed, knowing her life was about to change; exalted by the idea. “Yes.”
His mouth curved. “Good.”
Damn, he had a killer smile.
“Perfect,” Thalia piped up.
Quinley blinked. She’d forgotten the woman was there.
“I want to make it official on Monday,” Isaiah declared.
Harlan frowned. “That’s in two days’ time.”
Isaiah flicked a brow at her. “Do you need longer than that to pack your things?”
“No.” She’d rope her family in to help, if need be.
“Do you have an objection to going through with the mating so soon?”
“No, none. I see no reason to wait.” Quite the opposite, really.
Harlan sighed. “This is all happening very, very fast. Are you sure you both wouldn’t like to take a little time to think about it, or to at least schedule the mating for a time further in the future?”
“I’m sure,” said Isaiah.
“As I said, I see no reason to wait,” said Quinley.
Harlan puffed out a resigned breath. “All right. Monday it is.”
After dropping Deke off at his apartment building, Isaiah drove straight to the cul-de-sac. Though they were only one week into December, the pride hadn’t wasted any time in pulling out the Christmas decorations. Wreaths with red velvet bows hung on doors. Ornaments such as giant baubles or pre-lit reindeers were strewn on lawns. String lights and LED icicles were clipped to doorframes, rooflines, shrubs, fences, porches, and window frames. Nutcrackers, slim trees, or frosted snowmen bordered front doors.
Isaiah didn’t own any such decorations—he’d always lived in an apartment until recently. So it had come as a bit of a surprise when he’d returned home a few days ago to find a wreath on his door, a pre-lit Christmas tree arch surrounding its frame, and garlands running along the rail of his porch and twined around the posts.
Before even entering the house, he had called his mother, knowing she’d be the culprit. She hadn’t answered the phone with a greeting. She’d straight off asked, “Do you really want to bring your chosen mate to a house that doesn’t look the slightest bit festive?”
Since the answer was in fact “no,” he hadn’t complained. He had, however, asked Andaya to at least not let herself into his house to decorate the interior.
Her response? “Too late.”
An example of how submissives could be a law unto themselves just the same as any dominant.