Page 80 of The Nightmare in Him
They had effectively been his prisoners for what felt like an eternity. They intended to return the favor. And since the bastard had actually killed Wynter, there was no chance that Cain would let him die a peaceful death.
As such, there would be no battle tomorrow. There couldn’t be. Not even for the fun of it. The Ancients would need to move fast if they had any hope of capturing him, because Saul would use the wind to flee the moment he realized that the Ancients were close.
When the meeting was over, the Ancients filed out of the solar room.
Lingering near the door, Azazel said, “I know this isn’t easy for you, Cain. We’ll do our utmost best to ensure that nothing happens to Wynter. Or the majority of us will, at least. I can’t speak for Ishtar, though I believe she is much more invested in capturing Saul than in seeing your consort come to harm.”
Sighing, Cain sank back into the sofa and rubbed at his forehead. “I believe you are right on that.” Ishtar’s grudge against Saul went far deeper than the one she held against Wynter.
Azazel studied him. “You look tired.”
“I didn’t get much sleep. Wynter went sleepwalking again last night.” Cain had lain awake for hours afterwards, chewing over all she’d told him.
Azazel’s brows lifted. “To the garden?”
“Yes. She was almost near the temple when I caught up to her.”
Cursing beneath his breath, Azazel crossed to the center of the room.
“When I woke her, she told me that she dreams a male voice reaches out to her and claims he wants to show her something.”
Azazel’s lips parted. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Cain shook his head. “In her dream, she refuses to do as he asks. But still, she sleepwalks to the garden.”
Azazel slumped on the nearby chair. “He can’t possibly be awake. He can’t. We’d know.”
“I would have thought so. But the locks fell away from the gates again for her, as if someone truly is leading her into the garden. It could be that although he hasn’t fully woken, some part of his consciousness is aware of what’s happening around him. It could even feel like a dream to him. I’ve experienced that while Resting.”
“As have I. But that wouldn’t explain why he’d have any interest at all in your consort. Why not reach out to us if he’s awake?”
“I have absolutely no idea. I don’t see what he would want with her. But he could have lured her out there—he’s powerful enough to do so even while at Rest.”
Azazel swiped a hand down his face. “Shit, I never thought he’d ever recover enough to even come close to waking. Do we tell the others?”
“I’m not inclined to. For one thing, it could be that we’re wrong. It could be that, as Wynter believes, the voice only exists within her head. After all, she made a good point when she said that Kali wouldn’t stand for anyone drawing her anywhere against her will like that.” Or so Cain would like to believe.
Azazel inclined his head.
“Secondly, I don’t trust that someone wouldn’t suggest keeping Wynter under lock and key. Ishtar for sure would use all of this against her and perhaps imply that we should be suspicious of Wynter. I doubt Ishtar would be rude about it, considering she wouldn’t want to be subjected to another punishment. In fact, I suspect she’d come across as ever so reasonable, but she’d plant the seeds of distrust at least.”
“I did myself once wonder if Wynter could be faking that she’s sleepwalking, but I dismissed the idea.”
“Because you’re rational when it comes to Wynter and not inclined to distrust her. Ishtar doesn’t function like that when it concerns my consort. And this may be a subject in which she could sway others into see things her way.”
“Then we keep it to ourselves for now.” Azazel exhaled heavily. “Maybe one of us should go to the temple and check things out.”
“I already did. I felt nothing to indicate that he’s awake.”
“Maybe Wynter is right, then. Maybe it’s all in her head. Just a dream.”
“Maybe,” agreed Cain.
Azazel settled his arms on the armrests. “If he did wake, we’d have a better shot at defeating the Aeons. He’s not as powerful as you, but he comes close.”
“The only trouble is . . . we have no clue what being at Rest for so long could do to an Ancient’s mind, so we also have no idea if he’ll be anything close to stable on waking.”
Azazel sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, there’s that.”