Page 93 of Soldier of Death
I swing around. “But you don’t know that, do you?” I whirl back toward the men. “Tell me everything.”
The man looks to the other three as if he isn’t sure how to proceed. Technically, he could haul me out of here under Niko’s rules. The fact that they’re not sure what to do suggests that I may have more sway than I realized.
"We have orders to take you both to the compound in Long Island immediately."
"Who ordered? Niko? Where is he?” I search their faces for any hint, any clue, to Niko’s condition but find only the hardened masks of soldiers in service.
“It’s protocol,” one of the other men says. "Your safety is our priority." I’m sure he’s trying to reassure me, but it’s nothing but cold comfort.
"Is he hurt?" I push. "I'm not stepping one foot outside this place until I know exactly what's happened to him!"
"We really must insist—" The third man, younger, with unease clouding his eyes, makes a move as if to usher us out.
"Insist all you want, but I'm not moving!" My feet root to the spot, and I hope they don’t carry me out.
"Boss would want you safe?—"
"Then he can come and tell me himself!" Defiance surges, fierce and powerful within me.
Next to me, Lucia stands tall and firm. She arches a brow at them, expecting them, like I do, to follow my orders.
"Please," the first man implores again like I need good manners to persuade me to leave.
"Tell me where he is. Now. Is he hurt?"
The first man sighs. “It’s complicated.”
“Just because I’m a woman, doesn’t mean I’m stupid or ignorant. I’m the daughter of a Don. Do you think I don’t know what goes on?”
“We’re not at liberty?—”
“And I say you are. Niko isn’t here, and that means I’m in charge.”
The three men glance at each other, clearly uncertain of the truth of that.
“The woman of a Don is to be held up, respected,” Lucia informs them.
“They’re not married?—”
“That’s inconsequential. Do you think Don Leone would want to see you bullying the woman he sleeps next to?” Lucia continued.
“We’re not bullying. We have orders to keep you safe.”
“I’m safe here. Now, tell me where Niko is?”
Movement across the room has us all looking, tensing as if my father’s men had breached Niko’s sanctuary.
Liam strides in. “Aren’t you supposed to be taking her to the compound?”
“You weren’t with them?” I ask him.
“No. I was preparing your documents and travel plans.” He turns to the men. “Why aren’t they on the way to the compound?”
“Because I'm not leaving without answers," I say firmly. I’m not sure I can stand up to Liam. I recognize that he’s important to Niko. "Answers you're going to help me get."
Liam's gaze sharpens as he looks at me.
I arch a brow, challenging him.