Page 89 of Soldier of Death
I have a profound sense of déja vu. We’ve had this exchange before.
“We can grab this guy and hold him until tomorrow.”
“Why would I want to do that?” My life since my mother and brother died has been planning to kill Giovanni Fiore.
“Your head doesn’t seem to be in the game. Did something happen with Elena?”
I glare at him. “Why would you say that?”
He glances at me, then turns back to the road with a shrug. “We’ve already determined that it’s none of my business, but it seems like she’s more than just a way to fuck with Fiori.”
I turn to look out the window. I’m not a man who shares his feelings. Feelings are a sign of weakness. They give people power over you. But Donovan is right, my head is cluttered, fogged up by Elena.
“Tonight, we kill Giovanni and Liam gets her set up to go free.”
He glances at me again, his brows raised. “You said that earlier at Romeo’s.”
I nod. “I promised her.”
He considers that and nods, and I think he’s accepted my answer. “You want her to stay, though, don’t you?”
Fucking hell. “What makes you say that?”
“Look, I’m no expert on love, but?—”
“You think I love her?”
His fingers grip the steering wheel, and I imagine he’s filtering his brain for what he wants to say next. I’m not likely to kill Donovan for anything he says, but then again, he may not know that for sure.
“Yeah, I do.” He looks at me pointedly.
I look out the window again because he’s right. “What’s that saying? If you love someone, set them free?”
He lets out a sigh of relief, which tells me he wasn’t sure how I’d respond. “Yeah, but doesn’t it end about their coming back?”
“She can’t stay. She’s pregnant.”
His jaw drops. “Ah… congratulations?”
“You and I both know that any of my kids would have targets on them. Everyone around me does. I can’t put her—them—through that.” As the words drip from my mouth, I realize that I was an asshole to her. She was protecting herself and the babies from my life, just as I want to do for them.
“It’s too bad. I like her. She’s got spunk. I like how you are around her.”
I don’t even want to know what that means, so I don’t ask.
We reach the club and enter from the back. I find three of my men, including Lou, watching over a hulk of a man with a scar down his cheek and a murderous scowl on his face.
“Meet Ugly Eddie,” Lou says.
“Who is he?” I ask.
“Works with Fiori. Low level, but enough that he likely knows where Fiori is. Isn’t that right, Eddie?” Lou bends over him. “You are one ugly sonofabitch.”
Eddie sneers. “Fuck you.”
Lou laughs. I can see why he and Donovan are friends. “Load him up. Donovan, with me.” I let the others know what I want from them.