Page 45 of Soldier of Death
“You seem to sleep a lot, according to Rosa.”
I shrug. “It passes the time.” I’m still getting sick too, mostly in the morning, but I try to hide it even though I know I’m running out of time.
Two days later, after our walk, Niko leads me to a section near the back of the house. The room appears to be a sunroom. One wall is mirrors with a dance bar attached. One area has an easel, with a table full of paints and arts supplies. Another table has a camera and stacks of puzzles. Near the French doors is a table with gardening tools.
“What is this?”
“This is for you,cara mia. To find your hobby. Right outside the doors is a plot of land you can garden in. My mother enjoyed that. Or paint. If you like to dance, you can do that. I can hire instructors, or there are books and videos.”
I look at him, my mouth agape. “You set this up for me?”
He looks away, as if he’s uncomfortable by my reaction. “There are sewing and other cloth crafts there. Rosa said she can teach you that, if you’d like. If you’d like to take up cooking or baking, the kitchen knows to make it available to you. Chef Brioni will teach you.”
I'm touched by his thoughtfulness, and I can't help but wonder about the man behind theIl Soldato Della Mortepersona. I’ve sometimes thought I saw a softer, gentler man, but the next moment, he’d become gruff. But I’m beginning to see he’s not all evil, and I’m coming to realize that he’s a man who loved his mother. I don’t know for sure and I’m afraid to ask, but I worry that my father or Don Abate is behind Niko’s loss. The idea of it breaks my heart for Niko.
Over the next few days,I add visits to the room to my daily routine. There, I spend time exploring the various activities he's arranged for me. When I’m with him, I’m enjoying his company, even when he’s grilling me about my father.
As we settle into our routine, I find myself enjoying his company. Our conversations are no longer just about business but also about our lives and interests, to an extent. While he shares some personal details, it’s nothing deep. Nothing about his mother and brother who died. Nothing about his sister, Aria, who is supposedly in Europe. But it’s enough to see a different side from the Soldier of Death.
One afternoon, I realize that I’m so settled that I haven’t thought about our deal or how I might escape. I chastise myself.I can’t let my guard down. I can't forget why I'm here. I'm still his prisoner, a pawn in his game against my father.
I clean up my messy, drippy attempt at watercolor painting and return to my room. Rosa brings me lunch, which she sets on the table.
“Don Leone has returned to the city, so you’ll be on your own for dinner. Would you like it in the dining room or here?”
I’m surprised at the disappointment that Niko didn’t tell me he was leaving. It’s a reminder that I mean nothing to him. I’m a means to an end.
“Here is fine.”
She leaves me, and I sit to eat, hoping now that it’s past morning, it will stay down. No such luck. Not long after, I’m in the bathroom, my head over the toilet bowl.
I’m just about to get off the floor when Rosa enters, looking at me in concern.
“I’m going to call the doctor. This can’t continue,” she insists as she helps me up and leads me to the sink where I can brush my teeth.
“No, please. It’s?—”
“I know very well what it is, Ms. Fiori. This isn’t good. Not good at all.” Rosa urges me back into the room and tucks me into bed. “Rest.”
“Please don’t call a doctor.” I know I’m running out of time, but I’m not sure what to do yet. What is Niko going to think? What will he do? This child is his, but also the grandchild of his enemy.
“How long do you intend to not say anything and suffer? You’ll start to show, and then what?” Rosa’s words tell me she knows exactly what my condition is. “Who is the father? Is that why you’re worried?”
“Niko—Don Leone. He’s the father.”
She studies me like she’s assessing the truth of my words. “If that is true, then telling him is the best option.”
“He might kill me.”
She purses her lips. “Oh,Dio, child. He isn’t going to kill his child. However, when it gets out, there will be a target on you. There are countless people who’d love to take Don Leone’s woman and his child.”
“I’m not his wom?—”
“You’re going to need his protection.” She pats me on the hand and smiles. “I’ll bring you some tea to soothe your stomach.”
“I just want to rest.”
“Of course.”