Page 94 of See Me After Class
Its towering spires reached toward the sky, and the intricate stone on the walls was a work of art in itself.
I walked through a sprawling garden, lush with bright flowers and foliage. There was an air of peace here. Not what I’d expected.
Tranquility had no business being part of a place where there was so much evil at work. But then again, that was only tied to one man. And the boys and I would handle that.
In time.
Students sat by a pretty stone waterfront and set paper boats afloat upon its shore. I sighed.
The reality of my first class just hit me hard. Not unlike how I’d have felt if a bag of bricks fell on my head from the ceiling.
That would have definitely needed a hospital visit, though.
Smiling grimly, I entered the classroom.
The baroque influences were evident in the ornate carvings on the wooden desks and the intricate patterns on the ceiling.
There were large windows casting a soft, amber glow on the room.
I had to marvel at the desk, a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with its polished wooden surface and intricate carvings.
I’d always been a stickler for Old-World detailing.
My students looked at me as I launched into a clumsy introduction.
“Hello. I’m Professor Taylor, and I will be teaching English 106. I trust all of you have gone through the syllabus. What’s your favorite part of it?”
A girl on the front row let out a little giggle. I looked at her, stuck between a frown and curiosity.
“Yes, would you like to volunteer an answer?” My British accent came out involuntarily, although I usually did my best to gel with the crowd here. Some of the students at the back wolf-whistled.
She giggled harder. Then, the whole room broke into snickering.
Man, this was going to be harder than I’d thought.
I turned my back to the class and launched into an explanation of French-English History, which was the topic I’d prepared for today.
“More than a third of our current English vocabulary owes its very existence to the French vernacular.”
I still hadn’t made up my mind whether I wanted to be an authoritative professor or a cool one. I ended by making up my mind on the spot. About fifty times.
“How d’you feel about that, my dudes?” I turned and flourished my chalk at the class.
Then I immediately backtracked. “I mean, what’s your opinion on this?” I raised my chin, trying to be more... pedantic.
Man, I wanted to be back home cuddling Sally and reading to her.
This was a comic tragedy.
Then a portly old man came into the classroom and opened a thick file of papers. “Good morning, class, and welcome to Economics 341.”
I snorted. “Economics 341? Sir, you have the wrong class.”
He looked at me with raised brows. “Well, for the last fifty years, this classroom has been designated to Economics 341.”
I wanted to whack this old man, bless his heart.