Page 26 of See Me After Class
Leon's frown softened into confusion. I hurriedly continued, "I didn't mean to imply a trade of secrets for... other things. I'll find my bearings some other way. Let's not blow this out of proportion."
"Listen, you need to chill," Leon said, hands raised in exasperation. "We had our moment, and now you need a favor. Just be upfront about it."
I hesitated, taken aback. Was it really that straightforward?
"You mean, if I ask you for something, you're just going to up and do it?"
Why was this thought so ridiculous to me? Maybe because I had to work hard to get everything. Maybe because Leon, no matter what he said, was not to be trusted. Never.
"Exactly," he confirmed, as if reading my thoughts. He rose, a hint of annoyance in his posture. "I don't appreciate your hostility, so I'm going to leave you to it."
"Wait," I blurted, a surge of panic rising. "I'm sorry. I'm just... not great with new people. I didn't mean to sound like a total bitch."
He paused, eyeing me with newfound curiosity. "I can get with that."
I cocked my head at him. "Seriously? You literally charm the panties off every second woman you meet."
"It didn't work with you, did it?"
"I just…" I couldn't find the right words, so I flourished my hands at the tousled sheets on the bed like a hapless chicken.
Leon's face relaxed. Now was the time.
"I do need a favor, though," I blurted out. "I promise I won't go into verbal vomit mode and call you a slut again. You don't even have to ever sleep with me again, if you don't want to."
Ew, Dessie. Cringe max. Did you just say he could sleep with you whenever he does want to? What's wrong with you?
If Leon would have handed me a spade, all I'd need to do would be to dig my own grave in the middle of this room. To his credit, he only looked surprised. He blinked. "I don't know what to say to that."
Neither did I.
But I tried, anyway. "Unless, of course, you're dying for another earth-shattering round of mediocre sex with me," I blurted out, bravely pioneering new territories in the realm of awkwardness. "That's totally on the table. Optional, but available."'
I paused, realizing I was not only digging my own grave but also furnishing it with cringe-worthy decor. "Anyway, that aside, what I really need is a Google Maps tour of this place. Where's the lab wing? What's edible in the cafeteria without risking a trip to the ER? You know, the basics for survival in this labyrinth of despair and questionable food choices."
Leon continued staring at me before he spoke, his tone gentle in spite of all the scary crap I was spewing from my mouth. "Dessie, all you needed to do was just ask a little nicely. You do get that, right? I'm not here to hurt you."
My shoulders relaxed. "I know you're not," I said slowly, shaking my head wearily. "I just…"
"You can tell me." Leon folded his hands in front of his chest. "I'm not too bad of a listener."
That made me smile. "Sure. Anyway, it's basically just that I'm not too good at being nice to people."
"Would you say that's because people scare you, you don't want to trust others, or you've been hurt too badly in the past and now you think people are shit?"
Run. Run, Dessie.
"I do that," I said instead, blinking rapidly.
"Do what?"
"Throw questions like that."
"Ah." Leon walked over to the coffee table and made a cup for himself. "So, how about this? We finish our drinks, and then, I'll show you around. No funny business."
"What?" I wanted to sound weighty, but my voice came out all squeaky and wrong. "Now?"
He quirked an eyebrow at me. "Um… yeah? You are going out, right?"