Page 58 of Veil of Lies
“I can’t, Stella. I know I shouldn’t want you, but I do, and I hate myself for it.”
“Trust me, if we’re having a competition as to who hates themselves more, I win.”
Still he didn’t let release me. He seemed to be at war with himself and I was caught in the firing line. The hand not wrapped around my forearm slid around my waist and before I could react, he’d pulled me into his lap.
His lips teased the sensitive skin just below my ear and I trembled with desire. All of the heat between us exploded in an inferno. I turned to face him, and his mouth found mine. The kiss in his car had been an appetizer; this was the main course.
I wanted him so badly. I shouldn’t, but I was powerless in this moment. The ache between my thighs intensified. Brax groaned when I ground against his erection, seeking some relief.
“Shit Stella,” he murmured when we broke apart. “You keep doing that and I’m going to come. It’s been too long.”
His hand pushed my cami up, baring my breast. Before I could protest, his mouth was on me, teasing, licking, biting and sucking. My shorts were soaked with arousal. It was embarrassing, given I’d had more sex in the last week than in the last year. Harley should have been enough, but I wasn’t sated. I wanted, needed more. If Harley was my golden boy, my sunshine, Brax was my darkness. He saw the sadness and anger in me. He felt it just as deeply as I did. We soothed each other’s souls.
Brax’s fingers slid into my shorts and I whimpered. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my pussy, the heat of him teasing me. Just as I was about to reach down and take him in my hand, the sound of a door clicking caught my attention.
We both stilled, listening, then Brax sat back and tugged my cami down. He pushed me sideways, off his lap. All the heat between us evaporated and I shivered in the cool air of the apartment. In the blink of an eye, he’d retreated behind his wall and locked the door. I was left out in the cold, alone, like always.
A deep sense of shame trickled down my spine. What the hell was I doing? Starting anything with Brax was literally insane.
“Is this the insomniac’s club?” Quinn asked, as he strolled across the living room. “Can I join?”
Brax ignored him. He stood, scrubbing the stubble on his jaw.
“I need some of your weed,” he said.
Quinn nodded. “You know where it is.”
I watched as Brax stalked over to Quinn’s room before reappearing a few moments later with a small tin. He then disappeared into his own room and closed the door.
“Want an herbal tea?” Quinn asked from the kitchen. “I have some chamomile?”
“No, thank you. I should probably get back to bed, it’s late,” I babbled, fully aware that Quinn must have seen me with Brax, doing things I definitely should not have been doing with anyone other than Harley.
Could my life get any worse? Answers on a postcard, please.
I was just about to stand when Quinn walked over. “Stay a moment,” he asked. “We need to talk.”
“About what?” I tried not to stare at his cut abs as he stood in front of me. Why couldn’t these boys wear more clothes for fuck’s sake? It was far too tempting for someone like me with zero self-control. If I had to spend much more time in this apartment, I’d be a hormonal mess.
I sank back into the cushions. Great. This was where he accused me of being a manipulative bitch, intent on ruining his friend’s life, as well as a cheater for messing around on his other friend. Oh well. It was no worse than other shit thrown at me lately. I could deal. I was already at rock bottom. There was literally nowhere left to go.
“He’s a mess at the moment. What with his dad and all.”
“Of course he is, me being here isn’t helping. It must remind him of everything that’s happened.”
“No, you’re missing the point. He’s been much better lately. Sleeping more, drinking less.”
I looked up in surprise.
“It’s because of you. Since you arrived, he’s had something - someone - else to focus on. He likes you, Stella.”
“But I’m sleeping with Harley, he must think—”
Quinn interrupted me. “We’ve talked about it. This thing, whatever it is, between you and…us.”
Us? I liked Quinn. I definitely found him attractive. Even now, in the midst of this uncomfortable conversation, my body was leaning toward him. No doubt I was giving off so many subliminal messages even an idiot could read them.