Page 46 of Veil of Lies
Harley: Now I’m hard as fuck *egg plant emoji*
Harley: Come over tonight? *tongue emoji*
Harley: Stelllllaaaaa stop ignoring me
Harley: You’re killing me here
Harley: *crying emoji*
Me: Having coffee with Brax
Me: Stop stalking my ass or I’ll block you
Me: *frown emoji*
I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I’d reply later, but for now, being ignored would do him good. The sensible side of me knew I should push him away, but it was getting harder by the minute. I’d woken up with him wrapped around me again, and boy it felt good. It felt even better when he fucked me twice more in bed, and again in the shower. That boy had zero refractory period. Not that I was complaining. I’d never had so much sex in my life. I was sore as hell now, but in a good way.
Brax walked over with a large tray, cutting into my thoughts of Harley and reminding me the two of them were friends. Which was awkward. I wasn’t sure how Brax felt about me fucking Harley. I figured it was better if neither of us commented on the elephant in the room. Hopefully, he read my silent memo.
As usual, my eyes were drawn to Brax’s muscular chest and thighs, all showcased in a blue Henley and tight jeans. Harley was beautiful in a boy-band kind of way, whereas Brax screamed danger! Put him in an Armani suit and he’d look perfect on the cover of a mafia romance novel. I should know, I loved that shit.
“I didn’t know what cake you preferred, so I picked a selection.” He put the tray down on the small table and passed me my mocha. I almost moaned at the scent of sweet chocolate and coffee, with a faint wisp of vanilla.
The tray was full of cake. There was enough of it to feed a Girl Guide convention, i.e. way more than the pair of us could legitimately consume without exploding.
“Are you expecting guests?” All of them looked delicious. Not going to lie, I fully intended to eat as much as possible. After all the calories I’d burned last night, I deserved it.
“What we don’t eat, I’ll take back for Quinn and Harley. I expect Harley worked up a good appetite.”
I blushed, knowing full well what he meant. There was a slight edge to his voice, and I wondered if it bothered him. Was he jealous of Harley? Surely not. While he’d flirted a bit with me over the last few weeks, I hadn’t taken it seriously. From what I could tell, Brax flirted with all females between the ages of 18 and 80. It was coded into his DNA.
Although, now I thought about it, he had definitely toned down the flirting in recent weeks. He’d even ignored the pretty girl who’d swished past us in a cloud of perfume when we entered the coffee shop, despite the suggestive way she brushed against him even though the doorway was plenty wide enough for two people to pass by comfortably.
Maybe he wasn’t such a fuckboy after all. Even if Rowena was a temporary lapse in judgment. Speaking of whom… I nearly snorted when I saw her name flash up on his phone. He scowled and hit the ‘fuck you’ button.
“Not blocked her yet?” I asked with a smirk before scoffing some chocolate cake. Oh my god, it was delicious. A small moan slipped out as heavenly sweetness lit up my taste buds. Heat flared in Brax’s eyes for a moment before he looked away.
“I should block her. She’s driving me nuts.” His jaw clenched in irritation. “It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I tell her it’s over, she doesn’t get the message.”
“Maybe hook her up with someone else? She’d probably forget about you if someone hotter and richer gave her attention.”
“Not sure there is someone who fits that bill,” he replied with a cocky grin.
“Arrogant dick,” I laughed.
He leaned back in his chair sipping his coffee and I tried not to stare at the way his throat bobbed each time he swallowed. It was difficult. Brax drew me in like an oasis in a desert. I was parched and he was the coldest, most delicious glass of water for miles.
Chapter 39
Stella was quiet on the way back to campus. Our coffee date had gone better than I expected. She’d seemed tense before we reached the coffee shop, but once I produced an array of cakes with her favorite mocha coffee, her guard slipped, and I saw the real Stella. She was fun, smart, and altogether too tempting. Her new red hair suited her. It brought out the green in her turquoise eyes and I was smitten.
The only fly in the ointment was Harley. I knew they’d spend the night together. Knowing Harley, sex was involved, but it didn’t stop me from being attracted to her too. Of the three of us, Harley was the only one of us who had gone beyond flirting, but Quinn was definitely interested too. He’d never lent one of his precious laptops to anyone before. Like ever.
As for me? I was more than interested. She was the first girl ever I wanted more than sex with. I wanted to get to know her, learn all her secrets, be the person she turned to when she was sad or happy. I wanted everything she had to offer. I just wasn’t sure I had anything to offer in return. Not now anyway.
Stella’s quip earlier about someone ‘hotter and richer’ than me had struck a nerve, although I’d managed to hide it. Before the scandal, nobody was richer than me at school. Now? I was probably the poorest person there, not that anyone knew. Not even my friends. My grandmother had kindly agreed to give me an allowance, but all of our previous wealth was gone.