Page 45 of The Bratva's Forced Marriage
The gun clicked. No bullet came flying. And it was our turn to smile.
Juliana chuckled beside me. It was quiet at first, then she turned to the side and laughed even louder. I straightened up and watched her collect herself until the hue in her amber eyes turned to fire.
Oleg stared, half annoyed and half confused. He checked his weapon and pulled the trigger again. Click. And again—click … and again, until he threw the gun against a wall in frustration.
Back at the warehouse, Liam had whispered to Juliana and told her everything. The truth about his involvement with us, the Bratva. And the reason why he had joined us in the first place.
Eight years ago, someone in our family murdered his parents, and Liam stubborn man that he was made it his life’s mission to find out who did it.
When I heard Uncle Oleg’s name, I was surprised because that was some shit he covered up pretty well. He had them killed because they witnessed another one of his fuck-ups–which I was aware of.
Liam found out that Oleg had done it and vowed to take revenge. He did, at least in part. He shot my uncle, intending to kill him, but shot him in the leg instead. That kept the bastard alive long enough to get revenge on Liam.
Oleg was the culprit. The one who bypassed security, snuck into the warehouse, and drove a knife through Liam’s stomach.
Liam had warned her to stay away from him and everyone associated with him, including me.
But she told me all this–or rather, mumbled it to me after Oleg’s visit. She was lying on the sofa, still in shock, and as if in a trance she kept telling me, over and over.
I stared at her as she grinned at Oleg triumphantly.
She trusted me.
I didn’t believe any of what she said the first time. Doubt still flickered. Why would Oleg want me dead? But she assured me. Told me I would see for myself.
I glared at him. The bastard just had to prove her right. I spat, utterly disappointed.
“You are a fucking embarrassment to everything we stand for. I am disgusted with you, Oleg.”
“And I am pained,” he sneered. “Just like your older brother, you’re hard to get rid of.”
An alarm went off in my head and the loud ringing clogged my ears as I stared at his evil grin. Oleg was the one who had also killed my Dimitri. He fucking killed him!
I grabbed the gun, aimed at his skull, and didn’t hesitate. He couldn’t run away even if he tried. And one pull of the trigger was enough.
A bullet flew through the silencer and the unpleasant sound of steel penetrating flesh pierced the air. His body slumped to the ground, and he drew one last breath before his spirit left him.
Juliana flung herself in my arms, her head pressed against my sternum, her slim shoulders shook, as she sobbed to her heart’s content. “I’m so sorry,” she kept whispering, and I pulled her back to see her face.
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
She stared at the pool of red that was rapidly gathering under my uncle’s head, and her chest heaved. Her beautiful long eyelashes shimmered as she blinked.
“Wasn’t that hard for you? To learn that he killed your brother and then to have to take his life.”
I grinned at her and pulled her to me. “It was only hard for a second because I had to decide whether to send the bullet through his head or his heart.”
She sniffled, looked up at me, and shook her head with a soft giggle. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes red from crying so much. “You are unbelievable.”
My arms tightened around her back, and I held her head to my chest. I stroked her hair, and let my fingers linger as long as I wanted. She felt so warm and soft, and I savored the moment we were in each other’s arms. It broke my hardened heart.
“You shouldn’t apologize for anything, Juliana.” I stroked the curve of her spine. “You are the victim here. You lost everything, because of him ... because of me ….”
Her head snapped back swiftly, and she shook her head. “Rafa, I’m not … I’m not blaming you.”
“But I am blaming myself, krasotka.” I took a step back and held her shoulders at arm’s length. “Liam’s actions were justified, I’m sorry.”
I looked deep into her beautiful, golden-brown eyes and wanted to soak up every tiny spark.