Page 8 of Grey's Rage
Axel grunted. “So you ain’t here to tell me about you dating my daughter? And she isn’t moving state, and you’re not. What’s the plan?”
Dark vibes came off him, and Grey knew he was barely holding onto his temper.
“Willow wants a career. Fuck, she’s brilliant, and the Bureau is right to look at her for the future. She’ll make director one day, if not further. My only desire is to investigate, not seeking to move forward. I don’t want a desk role; that’s not me.”
“So get to the point, boy,” Axel ordered, pointing a finger.
“I quit the FBI and am taking a job on with Hawthorne’s.”
Axel’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. His lips smacked together as Axel absorbed what Grey had said. “You resigned from your job to give my daughter what she needs?”
“Yes. We love each other, Axel, and that’s no surprise to you. You’ve suspected it for a while.”
“Yeah. When shit hit the fan here, I saw how you covered her. But neither of you would confirm it!” Axel accused.
“We couldn’t. We’ve dated for eight years, but I want more. A lifetime. Want the dream, Axel. Think you can understand that.”
“Eight fuckin’ years!” Axel bellowed, and Grey almost winced.
Behind them, the door opened, and Grey twisted his head as Drake stepped in.
“Okay?” he asked Axel, ignoring Grey.
“No. This motherfucker has just admitted to dating Willow for eight years and being in love with her,” Axel snarled, scowling.
Drake’s scowl matched Axel’s, and Grey let out a low sigh.
“Tell him the rest,” Grey said.
Axel folded his arms across his chest again and glowered. Unfortunately for Axel, Grey had faced down some of the worst criminals in the USA. Axel was all bluster at the moment, making Grey pay for hiding the relationship that Axel had suspected existed. Although he knew full well Axel was capable of killing.
Grey held Axel’s gaze for a few moments, letting him know he wouldn’t be intimidated before turning to Drake and repeating everything he’d told Axel. Drake’s face was as dark as the Rage founder by the time Grey finished.
“So why are you telling us this?” Drake asked.
“I want to ask Axel’s permission to marry Willow. And let me tell you right now”—Grey pointed at Axel—“bluster and bullying won’t make me stop. You say no, fine, I will respect that, but I’ll still ask Willow, just without your blessing.”
“Damn, you got some fuckin’ balls!” Drake exclaimed as he swapped glances with Axel.
“I am also applying to Rage as a prospect, which, as his son-in-law, I am entitled to. Not a fucking candidate,” Grey said, pointing at Axel.
Axel’s mouth dropped open. Grey wasn’t sure whether because of his calling himself Axel’s son-in-law or because he was applying to Rage.
Drake threw his head back and laughed.
“Is that so?” Drake demanded, bemused.
“Yup. And don’t give me the ‘I’m an ex-fed’ bullshit, either. You know enough that whoever I claim as my own, I’m loyal to,” Grey said.
“Bringing my loyalty into question?” Grey asked, taking umbrage at Drake’s drawled word.
“Well, you have snuck around for nearly a decade in a relationship with Willow that the Bureau didn’t approve of. Despite being out of undercover for years, you haven’t revealed your relationship to Willow’s family. All I see is loyalty to Willow, no one else,” Drake retorted.
Grey came close to snapping at Drake, but that wasn’t the correct way to enter Rage. And he wanted Rage for himself and Willow.
“And there it is. The loyalty to her, you want to be Rage as much for her as yourself,” Drake pointed out.