Page 17 of Grey's Rage
For ten minutes, we chatted about everything. Then the waitress brought our starters, and I nearly climbed over the table to kiss Grey. He’d ordered a crayfish cocktail with scampi bites and calamari. Three of my all-time favourite starters.
Without a word, I tucked in, and Grey chuckled. Grey had the same as me, but he fed me from his plate, a loving glare in his eyes and a warm smile on his sexy mouth.
“You’re going to kill me,” I muttered.
“Not before we get home,” Grey replied. “I’ve got plans for you.”
I didn’t need to inquire about those plans. They shone in his eyes. The heat flared between us, and I thought the approaching waitress was fanning herself, but I did not look.
She quietly cleared our plates and asked if we wanted a top-up, and Grey waved her away with a murmured no, thank you.
We were lost in our own world, something we’d rarely been able to experience in public, and neither of us cared. Our previous intimate dinners had always been about one of us keeping a wary eye open. Being completely lost in one another was a novelty.
I jumped as the waitress coughed, and I saw her balancing our food. A faint blush touched my cheeks as Grey winked and sat back.
A plate of lightly seasoned lemon sole and sauteed potatoes with baby vegetables was placed in front of me. I nearly drooled on the plate as Grey let out a chuckle. He, however, chose steak and fries. I didn’t care; I loved lemon sole.
Grey talked about the house, and we finally agreed to put in a bid for it. Grey was highly amused as he said his bonuses for the Hawthorne Females would have our mortgage paid off within a few years. It was such a humorous thing to say, but also the truth, and I ended up acknowledging that, and Grey paled at the thought.
As the waitress cleared our plates, I glanced around the restaurant, my eyes flicking past the people standing by the bar, and then flew back to one gentleman.
Quickly, I averted my gaze and leaned towards Grey. He noticed the change in my body language.
“What is it?” he asked quietly.
“Look at the bar. Is that Lamar Everett?” I whispered.
Grey stiffened, and I understood why. Lamar Everett was one of the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted. The asshole was a vicious thug who’d beaten his wife and daughter to death, fled across state lines robbing rich homes in the process, and finally killed his mistress. Lamar had swindled several elderly women out of their fortunes, forging their signatures, and had beaten two of them to death. The crimes crossed numerous states, and everyone was on the lookout for this asshole.
“Holy shit, who’d have thought he’d end up in Camden?” Grey whispered, confirming my initial glance.
“Let’s leave and stay ahead of him. Grey, we have to take Lamar in,” I replied.
For a split moment, Grey looked angry and disgruntled, but he nodded and beckoned the waitress over.
“Can you box up our desserts and get them to go? Bring me them and the bill in the next five minutes, and there’ll be a fifty-buck tip for you,” Grey said.
Her eyes went wide, and she hustled her ass away.
Moments later, she was back with the bill, which Grey paid, and then we moved towards the podium. After collecting our desserts there and getting our SUV, we parked down the street and waited for Lamar to leave. Clearly, he wasn’t in a rush as he finally emerged forty minutes after.
Grey glowered at him with intense dislike, and I thought it was about more than Lamar’s crimes. Every so often, Grey muttered a nasty curse about what he’d like to do to Lamar and then fell silent.
When Lamar’s smart convertible shot past us, Grey pulled out after him.
“Stay back,” I warned.
“Babe, I was FBI before you. I don’t think in the few weeks I have been gone that I’ve forgotten how to tail someone,” Grey chided.
Grey followed Lamar through Camden, and I gasped when Lamar turned onto the street Phoe’s house was on. It shocked me how close this person was to us.
I stared as he pulled into a house four away from Phoe’s.
Grey and I swapped surprised glances as Grey drove into Phoe’s drive. Moments later, we were both creeping back down the street, each of us with a weapon drawn.
We watched as lights went on in the home, and the gates began to close. Sticking to shadows, Grey and I slipped through the gates.
“Need to call this in,” I whispered to Grey.