Page 42 of Right Groom
“I found that loophole, after all. It was right in front of me all the time, I just didn’t see it for the trees in the forest.”
“But what about ice bitch princess Priscilla? What would you do without your place in your company? I’m confused. I thought you were mad at me?”
He cupped her face and she sighed from the warmth of his touch.
His eyes darkened at the mention of the woman’s name.
“I returned the money you sent for the bank payment. I didn’t feel right taking it,” she continued softly. “I don’t know where that picture of us kissing came from, but it wasn’t me. I was a little tied up at the moment if you know what I mean, and she mentioned you were going to sell an exclusive and?—”
That only deepened his scowl. “I know about the money and I called your banker this morning. Vows from Juniper is yours, free and clear. And about the exclusive wedding photos. I had Stella set that up with all the proceeds to go to charity and all the names on the angels I collected.”
Understanding dawned. Her eyes widened. “Marshall.”
He held his hand up again for her to wait. She clamped her lips shut but didn’t like it.
“I did it because I wanted to from here.” He held her hand over his heart. “For the friend you’ve become and as the woman I love. You’ve started a fire in me and the second you’re not there, it dies.”
That had her own heart stopping mid-thud, but she could sense he had more to say so she kept her lips sealed and waited. Not patiently, but she managed.
“That whole ploy of the picture and the newspaper was all Priscilla’s underhanded way to force my hand into doing her bidding. She’ll be dealt with for forging my name and trying to blackmail me and the company.”
Her mouth formed into an O. “I see. I tried calling.”
“I’m sorry. In my hurry to catch Shawn and the whole family and explain my discovery of the loophole and my plan to do anything and everything in my power to convince you of my love, I left my phone on the plane. As for Priscilla, she won’t be back to bother you or me anytime soon, if at all.”
“And the Masterson deal?”
“It appears the apple didn’t fall far from the tree there. Both conspired to blackmail me and BlackCo by any means necessary that would have me marrying Priscilla. Her father only wanted to dig his fingers into our pockets using his daughter and thought he could pull out of the deal if I refused. Needless to say, we’ll have to find another way to become the number one oil company in the U.S. But that’s nothing to worry about today.”
“What an ugly web of lies.”
“I’m done with that and I only want the truth from now and forever. Look, Juniper.” He gathered her hands in his. “I know I haven’t done everything right and I haven’t said the right things all the time, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my father and you in a very short time, it is that love is a gift. And we create our own magic, our own moments and that is what I am doing today.” He leaned in closer. “I meant what I said our first time on the plane. I claimed you. You’re mine. And I’m yours.”
Marshall took a knee and she stared into his eyes, unable to blink. The air in her lungs froze, and her face rushed with heat. Goosebumps flushed from head to toe, and ocean wind kicked up and sent a flurry of cool, salty air to dance along the fringes of her dress.
“Marshall,” she said shakily.
He silently pulled a deep blue velvet box from his pant pocket and the lid creaked as he opened the lid. Everything played in slow motion.
She gasped and with shaking hands took the ring box. Her gaze darted between the ring and Marshall’s hopeful gaze. “How did you know about the ring?”
She’d designed it herself and had tucked it away in her planner. He didn’t have time to pull off getting this made. Did he? Obviously somehow he had.
“Remember the day at the café? The day you dropped your planner? I didn’t know how important it would come to be, but I pocketed the sheet of paper that dropped out, thinking it would be a nice gesture to surprise you with. I didn’t realize at the time how much that sketch would come to mean.”
He took her left hand and pressed his forehead to the back of her knuckles, obviously gathering his thoughts.
He pulled away to hold her gaze with his. “Juniper, I don’t want anything fake or make-believe with you. I want the real you, the real us, and a real forever. I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me? I know this is not anything close to what you had planned or the pictures in your planners, but I promise to make every day of the rest of our lives like a fairy tale if you only say yes.”
“Marshall,” she pulled him to stand by her, “you are my fairy tale, from the first day I met you. You’re proof wishes do come true.”
The hope that stared back at her mirrored the same soul-deep feelings that fluttered inside. His smile blurred behind her teary eyes.
“Shh…don’t cry, sweetheart. You tear out my heart when you’re sad.”
He caressed her cheek with a thumb.
“I’m not sad, Marshall. I’m so happy I can’t contain it.”