Page 36 of Right Groom
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes, just some worry over the roses wilting before they can be moved into refrigeration.”
“Oh, they were specially ordered. They can’t die. Please tell everyone there thank you for watching out for them.” When Marshall had peeked over her shoulder at the novelty blue-tipped white roses she didn’t dare order for the price tag, he’d hit the order button himself.
“I better go tend to that.”
A ding sounded, signaling an email.
“Thanks a million!”
She ended the call and thumbed over to the email.
Dearest Juniper,
Why did she get a sinking feeling all of a sudden?
I must apologize and break away from our engagement today. I truly lament having to miss your summer fest. I had to return to Houston late last night due to an emergency. Thank you for yesterday and all that you have done. It was a pleasure to meet your family. –Marshall
Not love Marshall like last time. She felt the cold tone as she read the words again.
They had a finality to them that left a sour taste in the back of her throat.
Outside she caught sight of a long black limo slowly gliding to a stop outside her shop. Juniper’s jaw dropped at the sight that emerged as the driver held the door open.
Callie whistled low from behind her.
“Tall, tan, and a total blonde babe. Wow! Who is that?”
Yeah, she had the same reaction to Pricilla Masterson the first time she saw her too.
Juniper didn’t hold her breath that the woman would keep on walking. Why else would she be here but to see her? This ought to be golden.
“Ms. Masterson, it’s good to see you again,” she lied and slipped into her professional mode even though it killed her. “How can I help you?”
“I’m here to deliver this.” Juniper took the outstretched envelope with some Houston law firm’s name stamped on the front and addressed to her.
“I’m sure Marshall is sorry he couldn’t be here himself, but he has to see after our company.”
Our company? Juniper stood frozen. “Excuse me?”
“Read the notice, dear, it explains everything.”
She glanced at Callie, who looked just as shocked and tore into the envelope.
“A cease and desist? For what?” Puzzled, Juniper scanned the document again.
“Marshall no longer requires your assistance in any matter.”
“What’s this really all about, Masterson?”
Priscilla slapped a newspaper on the table from Houston with bold lettering splashed across the front: TEXAS DOWN ITS SEXIEST AND RICHEST BACHELOR.
“Marshall didn’t appreciate the publicity stunt.”
“Publicity stunt? What are you talking about? Her picture with Marshall in his home office glared back at her in black and white.
“He also didn’t appreciate the fact that this picture voided his exclusivity with Forbes. He was set to make millions off your wedding photos.”