Page 21 of Right Groom
The only thing keeping her from spilling the beans was her promise to Marshall. She’d keep their agreement, but it would cost her. She hated lying even if by omission.
How did one go about explaining such a drastic, life-changing event to their family?
Maybe she didn’t. Maybe she just let the cards fall where they may and ride out the roller coaster. She’d have her business and her family would understand. Hopefully. One day.
Yeah, right. She nibbled on a nail and considered that angle. Callie would kill her for not telling her since they shared everything. Gran would never forgive her since the whole Winters motto was never tell a lie. And her mom and dad, who lived for their family, would never forgive her.
Well, out of all of this she learned one thing. Be careful what you wish for. She wanted to get married so bad that now it was happening but for all the wrong reasons.
Callie tapped her nails against the steering wheel. “Getting married?” she still couldn’t believe it with the way her head shook in disbelief. “As in walking down the aisle, saying ‘I Do’ kind of married?” Callie’s attention darted between her and the road several times and the look on her face was almost comical.
Callie flicked the turn signal on and made a right as they maneuvered through the city.
They’d driven straight from the airport and they were only a few miles from Ivy’s B&B.
Morning shifted to afternoon and dove head-on into early evening. She watched out the window as familiar shops passed, her mind and heart back in Houston.
Should she text him? Would it make her look overly clingy? How did one go about being a fake bride? One thing she wasn’t was a fake lover. Did that count? Some things in life need a manual and this was one of those instances. Maybe she’d write a book after all this was over.
She hit messages on her cell phone and typed out a quick note.
Landed. On my way home. See you in a few days. Hope your dinner date is going well.- Jun
“Hello, earth to Juniper. Hello?” A hand waved in front of her face.
Juniper slipped her phone into her shoulder bag with a sigh. “Last time I checked there was only one kind of ‘married’.”
“Sweetie, are you sure about this? We haven’t even met this… what was his name again?”
“Marshall Blackwood,” Juniper answered her mother, who had sat quietly for the last ten miles or so.
“Hmm. That sounds familiar. What kind of family does he come from?” her mom wondered aloud.
She only wanted to go through this once so she’d hold the explanation until she had the clan together.
“A prominent one from Houston, Mom.”
Juniper turned to her mom sitting in the back seat with an expression that said everything for her.
Juniper let out a deep heartfelt sigh. Being a parent to very headstrong children couldn’t be the easiest of adventures.
“You don’t even have a ring,” Callie ventured. “How serious could this be?”
“Trust me. It’s serious.” She edged close to saying too much.
She debated on how much she could say but also knew what she said would stay within the confines of the car. “Between us, okay. No one else. I need to hear the words before I go on.”
“Promise. Nothing leaves this car.” everyone said, all ears perked for what she said next.
“You already know Marshall and I are not madly in love. What you don’t know is that he needs to marry and I need the money to pay off the building I’m in. He’s offered to help me if I help him.” She left off the annulment part.
Everyone had someone wishing they would fail. Maybe jealousy caused it, maybe it all boiled down to epic misunderstandings. Juniper didn’t know what drove such ill will from others, but if a person had a chance to do good, the world could only use more of it the way she saw it.
“Honey, why didn’t you say something about needing help?”
“It’s taken care of. Or will be in a day or two. There’s nothing to worry about, Mom.”
“So, a win-win,” Callie added from the driver’s seat.