Page 1 of Right Groom
Marshall held Juniper’s smaller hand in his as they entered BlackCo and stepped onto the elevator heading to the top floor.
Soft and warm, just like her body. She had him getting hard all over again by simply touching him.
She’d been quiet since leaving the plane and had him questioning if he’d gone too far. Pushed her too fast. Claiming her sweet body would never be a mistake for him, but what about her? Did she regret giving herself to him? Is that why she had yet to give him an answer to his fake proposal.
“I can hear your gears turning, Blackwood. You’re overthinking everything.”
“Sorry. Part of the job description.”
She lifted her face to his, her lips pulled into a kissable smile.
Alone, for another few seconds, he twirled her around, pushed her back up against the side of the elevator, and grabbed that kiss she teased him with.
The second their lips connected she softened into him, twined her leg around his and buried her fingers into his hair.
“Careful, darlin’. You rub on me any harder and we’ll have to ad elevator sex to our list of adventures. Somethin’ I don’t mind doing,” he drew out, tasting her lips again.
He pressed his forehead against hers. “But we have a meeting to get to.”
“About that.” Her fingers gripped the lapels of his suit jacket and that one movement had his heart seizing mid-beat.
God, please don’t have her about to decline my proposal.
Before either of them could utter a word the elevator bell sounded and they were greeted by his brother, Shawn.
Hard eyes met his the second the doors whooshed open. He stepped away from Juniper and didn’t miss the way Shawn’s eyes darted to her and then back to his. But he didn’t say anything.
“About fucking time. Everyone is waiting.”
Shawn turned on his heel and he followed with Juniper close behind.
Ten seconds later Marshall held the gaze of each member of his board. Hurt, betrayal, and unease stared back at him and all the doing of one irritating troublemaker.
Damn it. How did he get himself into this mess? Not one of these people wanted to be here anymore than he did. Well, he took that back. One of them wanted this grim turn of events.
Jason ‘piece-of-shit’ Becker. Asshole through and through.
Marshall’s one-time best friend turned overnight rival, wore a chip on his shoulder like armor and his tongue the sword. The underhanded man considered taking down BlackCo a fun extracurricular activity to do in his free time when he wasn’t out blowing his family’s fortune on escorts, booze, and luxury hotel stays in the Bahamas.
He thought Becker had all but given up in the last year of seeing him go under since his last attempt failed while Marshall’s father was still alive. Now that his father had passed, it seemed it was open season once again for Becker.
Marshall let him think what he wanted until others got hurt. Becker senior sat on the board of this company, a well-respected man he trusted. His son, on the other hand, only wanted things handed to him on a silver platter. When he didn’t get it, things got ugly.
After Blackwood senior turned Becker Jr. down for a place in the company and a spot on the board next to his father, Becker saw it as a personal attack. That was three years ago and the time for kid gloves and niceties to end.
If the man wanted ugly, well, who was Marshall not to give him what he wanted? He was aching for a little old-fashioned brawl anyway. Getting his hands dirty didn’t bother him in the least if it meant protecting those he loved and cared about.
In Becker’s eyes, it was all about what the world could do for him, but Marshall knew that would come back to haunt his once best friend sooner rather than later.
“I apologize for being late.” He shot a quick glance to Juniper who stood off to the side, her long hair pulled into a side braid. “I was out of town when the news of the emergency meeting reached me. It’s come to my attention some unsavory accusations have been slung around and I’m here to put an end to them so we can all get back to our families and enjoy the warm weather.”
“Off on vacation while the future of your company is in limbo. Dick move, Blackwood. Please do tell, what were you doing in…” Becker’s accusing tone raked along his nerves, but he schooled his emotions as the man looked for whatever information he thought he had. Plus, the asshole sounded like a snobbish prick to go along with his nasally voice.
“Ahh yes, here it is. The City of Angels. Whatever could be so important there that took you away from BlackCo and so soon after your father’s death?”
“What are you pretending to be today, Becker? An old stuffy Englishman instead of a Texan?”