Page 99 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
In answer, he raised his hand in front of the camera, cum webbed between his fingers.
“Show me your cock,” I said.
He moved the phone to reveal his soft and cum-covered cock, the hot pink base of the dildo just barely visible behind his balls.
“I pretended it was you.” Travis dropped his head against the pillows and let his hand fall out of the frame. Judging by the way he shivered, I knew he’d given his flaccid cock another tight stroke.
“I know you did.”
“I want to do this again,” he said.
“I know you do.”
“I want to do it again,” Matty said, chest still heaving. I looked toward him and Sharp, finding Sharp still on the ground, lying prostrate in a way that made it look like it was home to him. Matty worked his fingers through Sharp’s hair, a gesture that looked like calm reassurance and approval.
“I came,” Sharp mumbled, mouth flush against Matty’s shoe still.
“You leaked,” Matty corrected.
“Can…” Travis cleared his throat. “Can I see?”
The tenderness of Matty’s touch vanished, and he kicked Sharp onto his back. Sure enough, his cock was still caged, but a near violent shade of red from how violently his shaft fought against the confines of the cage. Near the plug in the tip, cum pooled around the purple head of his cock. It definitely didn’t look like a usual orgasm’s worth, but it was far more than just precum.
“That’s so hot,” Travis said, scrubbing a hand down his face. I watched the way his cum stuck from his fingers to his cheek and his mouth, and then he cursed under his breath.
Across the room in our pile of discarded clothes, someone’s phone vibrated, a unique pattern of buzzing that almost sounded like morse code. Sharp and Matty both turned quickly, eyes narrowed in response to the sound.
“Finally,” Matty muttered, crawling over Sharp and digging around until he found a pair of black pants. He pulled a phone out of the pocket and came back, dropping it onto Sharp’s chest.
“Got a date?” I asked with a soft laugh, eyes darting between the two of them and Travis’s sated face on the screen.
“Better than that.” Matty climbed to his feet and held a hand out for Sharp, who used the much smaller man as a leg up. “It’s a job.”
“You work this late?” I asked.
“I work when I’m needed.” Sharp’s words were slurred, clearly still on a high from the sex, which had me feeling some kind of way about myself.
“We have to get going, Frankie,” Matty explained, kicking Sharp’s clothes toward the other man while he busied himself with his own. “Hate to fuck and run.”
“It’s fine,” I promised, stretching my legs out in front of me.
“I think it’s safe to say we’d like to do that again sometime, maybe with that pretty boyfriend of yours tied to a chair so he can better appreciate the whole thing.”
Travis whimpered.
I pictured his cock twitching back to life between his legs, swollen and sore, but eager.
“We aren’t from around here,” I said apologetically.
The two of them had gotten dressed and stood side by side. Sharp looked good when he was well and fucked, and Matty looked like he could go another seven rounds if given the time and opportunity. Sharp shrugged his leather jacket back on, and that was when I noticed the built-in holster and the heavy butt of a pistol tucked inside the pocket.
I swallowed, suddenly nervous.
“What do you do for work?” I asked, even though I knew it was a stupid question. Asking a man with a gun what he did for work was ill-advised on a good day, potentially deadly otherwise.
“I’m in human relations,” he answered, jacket—and gun—now secure around his person.
Matty chuckled. “Where are you from, Frankie and Travis?”