Page 252 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
Then I’ll shove them down his throat and enjoy the fucking gaging sound he makes as he chokes to death. I’ll stand there in front of him as I watch his eyes bulge, the veins pushing against his skin as he desperately tries to breathe.
If Charlie wants to have a life, he will do well to leave what is mine alone.
I tried pushing him towards Evie, but she’s a little too wild and unhinged for him.
Charlie needs a nice, quaint girl with good morals and a desire to live in a big house with a pretty white picket fence.
“Hmm,” Father says thoughtfully. “I have a feeling you’re not going to let Crow Acquisitions go silently into the night, Adam.”
“Neither do I,” I’m forced to agree again. “I’ll have to see about things once I graduate. I may be able to find a way to maintain a hold on all the factions when I’m not there to keep them under control by my presence alone.”
“What about Tyler and Connor?” Simon asks.
I repress a wince. “They graduate shortly after me.”
Those two are going to be with me for a long time, especially after all the work I put into them.
“Sounds like you have your work cut out for you,” Father says before he looks at Simon. “If you’ll excuse us.”
“Of course.” Simon stands up from his desk and exits the office without a word to me.
I can feel a noose tightening around my neck.
Jumping ahead of whatever fate my father has in store for me, I say with a shake of my head, “Time to get down to the real reason you have me here today, I suspect.”
Leaning back in his chair, he again watches me for a long time, just staring at me.
I return that stare. I study him as he does me.
We’re not blood. I have a different father. A man who’s dead and at the bottom of some lake, I’m willing to bet.
Not blood related in the least.
But he’s my father in every other possible way.
I study the lines of his beautiful face. Study the small laugh lines around his cold eyes. Are those genetic or are they from the glee he feels when he tortures an enemy of the family?
“Saint Bernards Preparatory Academy,” Father says with a frown.
He slides a brochure off the top of his desk and tosses it to me.
“Never heard of it,” I say as I glance down at the pamphlet. “Is this for Evie when she finally pushes Simon into the Asylum?”
He chuckles without a trace of mirth. “It’s where Evelyn and Abigail will be attending school until they’re ready to graduate.”
Looking closer at the pamphlet, I note the location. It’s practically across the country from Garden City.
Right there.
The noose around my neck pulls tight and my body feels like a stool has been kicked out from under my feet.
The trap door has finally been sprung opened.
Looking towards the door, I make to get up from my chair, but my father’s order holds me to it, wrapping manacles around my wrists and ankles.