Page 235 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
We both climbed out of the car at the same time. Charlie came around the front of the car and took my hand in his. We both scanned the area seeing nothing out of place. He unlocked the door and ushered me inside.
The living room had white walls with bookshelves lining one of the walls. He had no pictures on the walls, just one large chair with a side table set in the center of the room. Charlie began to move to the back of the house while I looked at his collection of books. There were a few of them that were tattered and old, sitting among books that were newer. I ran my hand across them as I read the titles.
Minutes passed before Charlie came out with his suitcase. He moved quickly to the bookshelf and pulled three books from the shelf. He placed the suitcase on the floor, popped the lid open and placed the books inside.
“That is all you need?”
Charlie closed the suitcase and stood up.
“The other things do not matter.”
“I hate you are leaving all of these.” I said as I looked at the books.
“I can replace them. The only thing I’m concerned about right now is you.”
I kissed him quickly and then turned back to the bookshelf. I grabbed two of the books from the shelf that I knew the titles of but had never read. Charlie smiled as we headed for the door. We walked out of the house. I continued to walk to the car while Charlie locked the door when all of a sudden, hands took hold of me. I dropped the books I was holding as several men surrounded me.
“Charlie!” I screamed before they could gag me.
Charlie ran towards the crowd of men as several of them raised guns at him.
“Be smart about this.” one of the men said.
Charlie lowered his head as he stared down the men.
“Let her go!” Charlie’s voice was low and threatening.
“This is not your concern.”
I could see Charlie's body as it readied for an attack.
“I wouldn’t try it.” a voice said from behind Charlie.
As he turned to face the man behind him, a gun went off twice. His body jerked and hit the pavement. The gunshot wounds wouldn’t kill him but it would slow him down. I began to fight the men as their grip tightened around me. One moment I was trying to free myself, the next moment something heavy and made of metal hit the side of my head and my world went black.
I had no clue how long I was unconscious but I was out long enough for my captors to tie me to a wooden post and begin to build a pyre. The ropes that held me were tight, preventing me from moving. My arms felt weak and heavy which meant the blood flow was being cut off.
“Look who’s awake.” Henry said as he approached me.
“Henry please, I did…”
“Oh, but you did. You see, Eddie was at your place when he was attacked. We found him inside your apartment unconscious and will not wake up. That tells me you are a witch and have used your ungodly magic on him.”
“Eddie attacked…”
“You’re like a rabid dog and the only way for you to be handled is by putting you down.”
Henry smiled as he walked away from me.
“If you kill me, you won’t know how to help Eddie.”
Henry stopped walking and looked at me.
“Make sure there is enough gasoline and wood.” He yelled over his shoulder.