Page 230 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
We swam the rest of the afternoon, playing and laughing with one another. It was one of the best days of my life.
* * *
Charlie and I enjoyed our time together until the sun began to make its descent in the sky. He drove us to a small diner a few miles from the lake. We sat in a back booth, his arm draped over the back with me pressed close to him as we ate burgers and fries. We talked about the places we wanted to go and places we had been. We both had our eyes on Europe once the war was over. Our conversation moved to the war and if we believed the federal government would fulfill their promises.
We finished our food and headed to the car. My hand in Charlie’s felt right and that made me question my decision to see him. He was an amazing male but I would be leaving soon. Falling for him could cause both of us more problems. I pushed away the thought, not wanting to think about what it all could mean. We reached the car and Charlie paused, turning to face me. He kissed me quickly, giving me a smile.
“What was that for?” I asked.
“I just wanted to kiss you again before we head back to Sweetclover.”
We still had a two-hour drive and it wasn’t enough.
“You know there is a town about thirty miles from here that is mostly hellborns. We could get a room for the night.” I suggested.
“And what would the town of Sweetclover say about you and I staying away for a night?” Charlie smiled at me.
“They would probably call me a floozy. So what do you say?”
Charlie smiled at me.
“I am not looking for just one night with you.” Charlie pushed my hair away from my face.
“Who says it will be one night?”
“You are making it hard for me to say no to you.”
“Then don’t.” I kissed him.
Charlie looked at me as he held back a growl.
“Tell me where to go.”
Charlie stepped back and opened my door for me.
The drive to the town of Bear only took us thirty minutes. Bear was a small town that few humans traveled to because it was mostly run by hellborns. Few hellborns from the surrounding area were willing to visit the town out of fear they would be discovered for who they were.
Charlie glanced over at me a few times, asking me if I was sure I wanted to do this. My response was the same each time, a simple yes. I wanted as much time as I could get with him.
The town only had two hotels. One was a two story brick building with no more than twelve rooms. The other hotel sat deeper in town and was larger. From the outside, it looked like a large rectangular house with a wide porch that wrapped around two sides. It held more rooms and was a little more upscale. Charlie picked the more expensive one.
We pulled into the parking lot. There were a few cars scattered throughout the lot. Charlie moved around the car and helped me out. The doors of the hotel were large white doors. The hotel lobby had white walls with paintings of the local scenery on the walls. It was wide with a few comfy chairs and small brown tables with lamps placed on each of them. A large wide staircase sat to the left of the desk. We walked up to the front desk where a young male wolf was standing.
“Welcome to The Silver River Inn. How may I help you?”
“A room please.” Charlie asked as he pulled his wallet out.
“Would you and your mate want a view of the mountain or the valley?”
“Mountain, please.”
The male ran a finger down the page of the reservation book.
“Five dollars and thirty cents is your total.” Charlie handed over the cash. “A name for the room?”
“Charles Doyle.”