Page 222 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
“It’s about time.” I hear Dad speak.
I look up toward the opening of the room to see Sophie walking arm in arm with a very different person than the girl that I met just days ago. This girl is beyond beautiful, strutting in with her head held high like she’s meant to be here and is now taking her rightful place. I knew the dress would look good on her, but damn.
Adelya looks stunning. The dress fit her like a glove, showing off the creamy skin of her shoulders with just a hint of the cleavage she’d been hiding in her oversized shirts and hoodies. With her hair swept up on the sides, I get a tantalizing view of her long, slender neck. I feel like a vampire as I watch her pulse beat against her skin.
I’m tempted to lick the area and bite into that flesh. Would she scream for me? Or would she moan in pleasure?
Sophie stops and introduces Adelya to several people before they finally make their way over to my father. He kisses Sophie like she’s his oxygen and I wonder, not for the first time, if he truly cares for this woman or if he’s using her for his schemes. When the kiss ends, he turns to Adelya.
“You look lovely, sweetheart.” He says to her while leaning down to kiss her cheek. Adelya tenses. It’s difficult to notice, but I’ve made it my job to notice such things about everyone I come in contact with.
When you grow up the way I did, you learn to read people. To see the things they try to hide in order to deceive. Unfortunately, it's also the thing my father most loves about me.
I can see through the lies of the people my father does business with. And he uses me regularly for these games. While I hate it, I have no choice. I know what will happen if I defy him.
Dad waves me over to get a picture of us as a family. Before I can make it there, the front door opens and Gael walks in. He's followed by Ashby and Elias.
A sharp inhale has me looking back toward my new stepsister. Sophie sees where Adelya’s eyes have tracked and her face becomes hard as stone.
Sophie's back stiffens and she storms over to the guys. “You have some fucking nerve showing up here.” She says, before slapping Gael right across the face.
She's headed for the other two, but Dad grabs her and whispers something in her ear. Not sure what he says, but Sophie slumps in his arms before looking toward her daughter. Adelya just stares forward for a minute before turning and running up the stairs.
I pull the guys away from the eyes on them, and the whispers spread through the party. When I get them to a quiet room, I look them over. “Someone want to tell me what the fuck that was about out there?”