Page 208 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
I laugh out loud and heads turn to stare at me. I roll my eyes.
Put it back in your jockstrap science nerd.
I shake my head and put my phone away when the boys start asking me questions about hockey.
The game was fun with my family and friends. We decide to hit up some of the parties on campus instead of going to the bar. The parties have great songs playing so I’m constantly on the dance floor with my girls having fun when cheers erupt and someone yells some of the football players have arrived. I roll my eyes.
“You can’t be annoyed that the football players arrived at their party, plus one of them is your brother and your tutoring student.” Stacy smiles.
“That doesn’t mean I’m thrilled to see them,” I remind her as we walk over to the kitchen where the drinks are and it’s slightly quieter here. My sarcasm is in full force now. I’m in training so I don’t drink alcohol during the season even though I’d kill for a Tequila Sunrise right about now. I spot the cooler with the water bottles and shove my hand toward the bottom to grab one. I always check to make sure nothing has been tampered with because you always hear about people putting GHB in drinks.
“Tutor girl.” Ben smiles at me as I spin in his direction. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Some of the girls wanted to do the party scene instead of the bar tonight.” I shrug. I open the water bottle and take a big swig of it. The dancing made me sweaty and thirsty.
“You got some great dance moves,” he comments as he looks to the makeshift dance floor. “Want to do some more? I have some excess energy to burn off.” I nod. He links our fingers together as I lead him to the dance floor. Fast paced songs come on and our group is laughing and having fun with some of the football players. We’re singing on the top of our lungs, throwing our hands up while jumping up and down. The laughing and smiles coming from the football team, girls’ hockey team, and our misfit friends who don’t play sports, all seem to mix well together, making it a damn good night.
Monday morning rolls around all too soon. I decide to hit the gym early because I have a full day of classes and football practice. I get my music blaring in through my earbuds as I start a slow easy run on the treadmill. Since I have practice, I try not to do anything too strenuous because I never know what Coach will put us through but I woke with anxious energy. I’ve been feeling it since Friday night when the slow song came on and Sloane was finally in my arms. The song turned slow and I wrapped my hand around her wrist stopping her from leaving so she would dance with me. Now that she’s been in my arms, it’s all I can think about and need her back there. She makes it known how she hates football players and would never date one. I need to ask Preston why because when I ask, she avoids the question completely.
The door to the far left opens and in walks the woman who captivates me. She’s wearing her hair up in a ponytail and has on black leggings and a white tank top. She’s scrolling through her phone so she doesn’t notice me yet. I take my earbud out.
“Texting and walking can be dangerous, especially in a gym. You could accidentally lip lock with a football player,” I yell at her. She startles then looks up from her phone.
“Can you imagine the horror on that?” She laughs.
“Depends on the football player. Preston, yes. Me, no… It’d be an experience for you.” I wink at her. She rolls her eyes at me. “Tutor girl, when are you going to let me take you out on a date?” I ask at least once a day. I’ve never had a female consume my mind like she does. It’s just not the whole she’s playing hard to get aspect either. She’s smart, funny, sarcastic as shit, and calls me on my bullshit too. Sloane is my dream when I look into the future as someone who I want by my side. I just need to get her on my side. I smile at her.
“When you stop being a football player, then I’ll think about it,” she says as she comes to get on the treadmill next to me.
“Is that really what is stopping you from being with me? My choice of sport.” I’m completely dumbfounded by this and wish she could look past my love of the game. “I’m not just a dickhead who thinks football is my future. I have other goals.” Now I’m getting frustrated.
“Football players are a hard limit for me. I’m sorry. I like you as a person Benny, but as far as dating, calling you my boyfriend, never going to happen. I’m sorry.” She whispers those last two words. Before I can say anything else, she’s putting in her ear buds signaling the end of the conversation. I put mine back in and we run in silence for the next forty minutes. I leave first and head to the shower then class. I need to get answers. Preston is the one who is going to give them to me.
Practice was brutal. The coach, even though we are undefeated, decided to treat us like we are on a losing streak. Preston and I are two of the last few players left standing.
“Dude, I don’t think I’m going to be able to move tomorrow.” He groans. “He’s a sadistic fucker.” I laugh.
“Hey, can we go get some carb reload. I need to run something by you and would rather do it without a lot of people and gossipers around us.” He looks around to see some guys still lingering. He nods.
Once we’re at the diner, Preston looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I open my mouth to speak but hold up a hand.
“You don’t need my permission to date my sister, but she won’t date you unless you plan on giving up your football scholarship.”
I swallow hard.“I wanted to ask you why she hates football players so much. She told me she likes me, but because of football she won’t date me.”
“My parents broke up right when my mom found out she was pregnant with me. She was scared and Dad was talking about not having kids until he made it big. He went away for a game, hooked up with Sloane’s mom. She got pregnant. Sloane’s mom tracked my dad down and my parents were already married and waiting for my arrival when she showed up.
Dad pretty much kicked her out and made her sign papers about not coming after a big payday. My dad was an ass to Sloane, and still is. He looks at her and sees the gold digger her mom was because she was constantly showing up without Sloane begging for money. The talks Sloane and I had when she came to live with us, her mom told her that Dad didn’t want her, but his career instead. How he had all this money and wouldn’t share it. From what Mom said, she was shooting up the thousands of dollars a month her mom got from child support.
Sloane was brainwashed to hate football players, which I can’t blame her, but her brothers are the exception.” Preston looks around. “My opinion, if Dad wasn’t a colossal dick to her, I think she’d change her mind. Don’t tell her I told you any of this or why she’s tutoring you. Every Thanksgiving, we go to my mom’s family’s for dinner. They hate Sloane because of my dad. They treated her like shit, and we left, but Dad stayed. She usually went with Stacy and her mom on a ski trip, but my brothers begged Sloane to go with us. She can’t say no to them. Dad told her he’d pay for the ski trip if she tutored you.” I sigh thinking about how much I hate Coach right now.
“He told me she was okay with it. Your dad is a dick.” Preston raises his glass to me, and we click them together like we are in agreement. “How do I change her opinion of me?”