Page 206 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
He cares in his own way.
Don't defend him. I can’t take it right now.
Little Spoon:
I’m sorry. Let me know when you get back to the dorm.
I put my phone away and wait for the bus.
This tutor is messing with my schedule. Coach let me know last night that Sloane, whoever he is, had class and a study group during the time he had already set up. So now here it is almost eight thirty and I’m sitting in the library waiting for him. Coach reserved one room off the main library so we’d have privacy.
“So, this is what had you pissed off all day?” Preston is standing in the doorway smirking. I’d like to punch the smirk off his face. It’s his dad making me sit here waiting. Sloane is already three minutes late.
“Yeah. This is why I can’t do the game a thon with you until later because the tutor was too busy.” I’m scrolling through my phone when I hear some laughter and a bunch of shushing reminding them they’re in the library. The girl from the bar, Preston’s girlfriend, who he still hasn’t told me about the fucker, is amongst the group. He doesn’t even pay attention to the noise behind him. He’s either not paying attention to his surroundings or he’s a shitty boyfriend.
“If you were struggling in classes, why didn’t you mention it to me? I could’ve helped before it was brought to my dad’s attention.”
“How did you know your dad set this up?” I ask.
The movement behind Preston catches my attention. The group stops laughing and hugging before breaking off. She checks her phone and Preston is stumbling.
“What the fuck?” he mutters. His jaw clenches.
“You lost? This room is reserved and taken,” I snap.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding. You are Coach Powers's star player who needs tutoring?” She sighs, slamming her bag down on the table.
“You’re Sloane? I thought you were a dude.” I chuckled, moving my hand to the back of my neck, massaging it. It’s a nervous habit I picked up when I was in middle school. She rolls her eyes as she pulls out the chair to sit down.
“Did you have to push me? You could’ve just asked me to move. Jesus Sloane, I almost punched you.” Preston parks his ass on the table.
“I’d like to see you punch me. Laura would hand you your ass.” She sounds so sure of herself, and I chuckle. Preston glares at me. “Now get out of here so I can get to work.”
“All right, I’ll try to stop by your game tomorrow. William can’t wait to see his big sis on the ice.” He kisses the top of her head then turns to me. “Don’t be an ass.” Then walks out waving to someone he knows. I shake my head.
“Coach Powers didn’t tell me what subjects you needed help on, and I know nothing about what you’re studying.” She sits down and takes her laptop out of her bag then fires it up. She sits there staring at me, blinking her eyes like she’s bored. Shaking my head, I open my bag and grab my literature book, The Catcher in the Rye.
“I’m studying kinesiology. I’m struggling with literature and history. The science stuff is great.” She nods. “I have a history test coming up. My sister is the history buff so she could take the test in her sleep and ace it.” I’m rambling now because she’s looking stuff up on her computer completely ignoring me. I sigh heavily and put my book I’ve been holding down. “Are you even paying attention to me?”
“Hang on one second.” She’s typing something and then looks up to me. “Sorry about that. One of my professors emailed me back about a question I had about a test coming up. I needed to reply back before I forgot what I needed to tell him.” She looks at me with those big hazel eyes. “History sucks. I hate it too and wish I could be done with it. I’ll help organize your notes. I see you’re reading Catcher in the Rye. Do you need a report on it?” I nod. “Okay. I read that last semester, so I should be able to help you.” She starts going over my notes. As she reads them, she’s biting her lip and all I can think about is kissing those lips.
“You’re Preston’s sister?” I ask after about ten minutes of her reading.
“Yes.” She doesn’t even look up at me. “When is the test?”
“Thursday.” It’s Tuesday. She nods and makes some notes. “What are you doing? Are you even going to help me?”
“What the fuck does it look like I’m doing? I'm going over your notes to see where you are in your history class. I’ve never had this teacher. But hey if you don’t want my help, go back to Coach and have him help.” Her tone is short and all I can do is roll my eyes. I slouch back in my chair. We spend the next thirty minutes in silence, so I read my history book while she goes over the notes. “Okay, so I think I have a grasp on what you are studying. It would’ve been better to find someone in your class, but I’ll do what I can. Now onto literature. Do you just need help with the book report or the class, too? I love reading and all things lit so I should be able to help easy peasy.” I’m about to say something when her phone vibrates. “Hold that thought.” She mouths I’m sorry. “William, are you okay? The game starts at seven. If you can’t make it, it’s okay. I’ll let you know after how I do. I love you too buddy.”
“Game? Do you play sports?” know she plays hockey; I saw her carrying the bag the other day but the sparkle in her eye when she talks with her brothers or talks about sports makes me want to keep it there.