Page 153 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
My throat got too tight. Tears fell from my eyes.
“My casket, where I bury my bone. The only place after tonight. I’ll be damned if I get a cold one even if she is poorer than dirt. Inelegant. Uneducated.”
“I get better grades than you,” I choked out through my sobs.
“Grades mean nothing in the real world. Everything they taught you in school was to keep you dumb. And all those books you read, everything you do, keeps you complacent. You’ve been uneducated your whole life. All you could ever aspire to is to work for the rest of your days. Make a baby to grow up to be another worker. Get a degree and change the world? You won’t amount to anything, just like the rest of them. By design. Hell, the student loans on this place will cripple you financially.”
“I won the lottery.”
“But you still have them, right? Loans to live and eat. Cause mommy is gone with Redd Rocket,” he said, a mocking tone.
This was the bad guy I remembered. “How do you know about him?”
“What don’t I know, Suede. What kind of fucking name is that?”
“Don’t you know? You seem to know everything.”
“Yeah, your mom is a new age junkie. From now on, when you are with me, you’ll be called Nubia.”
“Some Egyptian shit like you?”
“All of us skulls have a code name. You’re my casket. I get to name you. My name just so happens to be my government name. See, Nubia. I can’t escape this. I can’t leave this school or my path in life. Unless I go float in the river, like your friend. And you are on that path with me now.”
“Why me?” I asked again.
“I didn’t choose you. But I did mark you, in case. In case you stayed pure.”
“My arm? It was you who did that to me?”
“Yes, Nubia.”
My tears were red hot now. I couldn’t believe it. It was a bridge too far. “Don’t call me that.”
“It’s your name now, Nubia.”
“What does it even mean?”
“It means gold, and you’re my golden pussy. My fucking ticket to the top. Fucking you, a virgin, down here in this cold grave. I’m in. It’s supposed to be a challenge.”
“I’m a challenge?”
“No. You’re not. I could lie, tell you I am in love, and steal your sweet cherry by snapping my fingers. I would rather it be that way, but this is supposed to be hard for you. Just like God punished women in the Garden of Eden. This is supposed to hurt you, physically and emotionally. Toughen you up for the road ahead. And me, I can’t have someone who wants me. I have to take. Taking is my job, taking anything I want. Rule the goddamned world. It starts here, taking someone who would never have me. Someone not even worthy. Someone who hates me. That’s why it was me who roughed you up and assaulted you in that alley. I cut your arm. I’m the man from your nightmares.”
“Man, you had to have been only just seventeen.”
“You forget, I was a shoe-in for Edenvane. Preparations were made early. My initiation started early.”
“You did that to me?”
“I had to, but I plan to do it again. This time I want to.”
Only enough room for one body, he rolled over, until he was on top of me, pulling off my clothes in the dark. Pushing my knees apart with his. His hands were rough and everywhere, his weight immense and unyielding.
I slapped him, punished, put up a fight. Spitting, I tried everything.
He caught my hands, easily stopping me.
“This time you have nowhere to run, and I won’t be using my fingers. I’ll be fucking you with my big cock you’ve admired so much. Don’t tell me you don’t want me to stroke your pussy walls again. What if I give you a kiss? You’ll be putty in my hands and spread your pussy wide for me, then.”