Page 146 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
“You stand out like a green thumb,” she joked. “Allowed? I don’t think so.”
I shrugged. “It was in yesterday’s Howler.” They named the college paper after the school’s mysterious mascot, which resembled a black dog. We were simply the Edenvane Howlers.
Dragging the paper out, Margrett studied it hard. She shook her head. “I read this cover to cover. What are you talking about?”
I snatched the paper from her. It was identical to the one Toccarra showed me except for the one article about the board meeting. The room spun a little as I tried to wrap my head around it. I wouldn’t go my entire shift upset. I calmed myself, knowing I could just dye my hair back. Crisis nearly avoided.
On the way to my next class, campus security stopped me and requested my badge. They told me to report to the Dean’s office immediately.
When her door opened, someone headed out in tears, and I stepped in. Behind a large wooden desk stood a very tall blonde. A dog peeked out from behind her. The all black rottweiler looked a lot like our mascot. The Howler. Like a mean Hell Hound.
Shavira Mence introduced herself and sat. “I didn’t think we would meet like this,” she remarked, a frown overtaking her features.
“Is it my mom?” I asked, suddenly scared her and Rock hadn’t made it to their next stop.
“It’s your hair. I know you can read, Ms. Divore. I implore you to read our rules here at Edenvane. As a lottery winner, I’d think you wouldn’t want to cause such a scene.”
I was gonna whine about the missing article or point the finger at Toccarra. But I thought better of it. Hanging my head, I simply said, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I’ll change it back right away. It won’t happen again.”
“No, you’ll wear it all semester. You look ridiculous. Everyone can see you broke our rules. Let it be a lesson for you. Also, it’s one strike on your record. If I had my way, you’d go back to whatever trailer park you came from, but I have rules to follow. Please familiarize yourself with our standards going forward.”
Though taken aback by her insults, I promised her, “It won’t happen again.”
Leaving her office, I felt ridiculous. Fuck, I couldn’t even fix my hair now.
When I got back to the dorm, Toccarra’s hair was unchanged, and I felt even dumber.
“What happened to your bright red?” I tried to keep my face straight.
“Washed right out this morning. Didn’t take,” she flat out lied.
“What sick pleasure do you get out of humiliating me?”
“I do not know what you are talking about,” she began. “My hair’s never been able to hold color.”
Locking myself in my room, I watched her videos to see if she was playing with me. If this was a bit. But I found nothing. Toccarra left for the weekend saying she was flying to California for a party. I only half listened. After the fake paper, I was so done with her. Most of the students in my classes were off to Dubai to go shopping or flying home for the long weekend.
While everyone was gallivanting around the globe, I found myself in a sad cafeteria, eating alone. Anubis took a seat across from me, and his presence completely surprised me. He was all decked out in a fitted suit, looking like a million bucks.
“Like your hair,” he said as a way of greeting.
Did he do this? I saw him in an all-new light. His suit didn’t change the fact he was the bad guy. Giving him a blank stare, I picked at my ramen.
“I’ve not seen you around.”
That was a question I wouldn’t answer. I gave him the silent treatment.
“Me? Busy with the crew. Practice. Competitions.” Anubis made excuses. “It’s dead here, isn’t it? Always is on this weekend.”
Sucking in my lips, I wouldn’t bite. The long break had nothing to do with traditional holidays. Though curious, I continued eating.
Unbothered by my silence, he went on. “There’s a party at the Boat House this weekend. Casual affair. You should go.” He produced a card from his jacket and slid it to me. “This will get you in.”
Without me saying a thing, he got up and left like nothing was amiss.
Turning it over in my hands, I studied the gold plastic. It was blank but had a strip on the back.
Back at my dorm, I paced. I felt like I should’ve chewed him out. Especially if he was the one who did this. Who else would have the power to make a fake paper? He talked about me working for the paper the last time we talked.