Page 142 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 1
Rae pushes up on her elbows. “Are you serious?”
I nod and drag her across my body so she’s fully covering me again. Her wet cunt presses over my cock, stirring it back to life. I’d give anything to plunge back into her and lose the world around us again, but this is too important to brush aside for another round right now.
“Rae, if you think there’s any chance of you being happy here, really, truly being happy, I will make anything happen that needs to, in order to get you here.”
Her soft brow furrows, worry lines forming. “Won’t there be other people who have something to say about that?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m running everything now. I’m the boss. Which means if my girlfriend needs a job, she gets one.”
Rae pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “Your girlfriend, huh?”
“For a little while, at least.” I lift her hand and brush my lips across her fingers on her left hand. “People would think it was weird if we got married right away.”
Her jaw drops. “Jax, stop it. That’s not even funny.”
I lean up and press my lips to hers, pulling her down onto me, and rolling until she’s under me again, pinning her in place. “I’m not joking, Rae. We wasted years. I don’t want to waste any more time. So, you tell me, are we going to do this? Because I don’t want you to resent me later if you come back home. I don’t want you to wonder what would’ve happened if you had stayed there. I don’t want you to hate me for making you come back to this place you outgrew a long time ago.” I stare into her hazel eyes, imagining what it would have been like to be doing this for the last decade. “I always thought you were better than this place, that you deserved more. But goddammit, I’m selfish, Rae. And I’ll take it if you’ll give it to me. I’ll beg you to come back.”
Tears well in her eyes again, but these don’t seem to hold the same uncertainty or sadness of her earlier ones. “I was never too good for Hayes Creek, Jax. I was just young and thought I wanted something that wasn’t important in the end.”
“What is important?”
She presses her hand over my chest where my heart beats rapidly against my rib cage, waiting for her to say what I long so badly to hear. “This. You and me figuring this out.” A little laugh slips from her throat. “And to think, Mom sent me out here on a little break from packing up the house.”
I grin at her. “I think your mom had other plans when she sent you over here.”
Her eyes narrow on me. “What do you mean?”
My laugh floats between us, and I grin. “I ran into her at the store last week, and she told me you were coming back. I may have told her I was interested in seeing you, that I’ve missed you.”
Rae’s eyes widen. “Jax, you didn’t…”
I smirk.
“So…”—a slow smile spreads across her face—“this was all a setup?”
Shrugging, I lightly drag my finger down into her bra and flick her nipple, earning a little twitch of her body under mine. “I wouldn’t call it a setup, more like a happy reunion that was potentially, slightly, sort of arranged. Though, I wish you had come to see me because you wanted to.”
Rae’s light laughter fills my room and my heart. “I did want to. And Jax, my mother did not send me to get laid.”
I shift my position to slip between her legs again, slowly pushing my cock inside her slick core on a languid slide designed to make her feel every inch. She groans and arches up into me again, clenching around me to draw me even deeper.
“Maybe not, Rae, but since you’re here—and you’re not going anywhere—I’m going to make use of every moment I have with you.”
She scores her nails across my back, angling her hips to take me all the way to the hilt before she clamps down hard enough on me to make me gasp. “My own big, strong, determined lumberjack.”
I crush my lips to hers as I pull back and plunge into her again. “You have no idea how determined I can be, Rae. This is happening. You and me. You can’t kiss me and run again.”
Digging her heels into my lower back, she locks us together. “I won’t make that mistake again.”