Page 35 of Made for You (Cole 2)
Jack didn’t say much on the way home, but he still gripped my hand tightly. I tossed around whether or not to bring up the bomb that Betty had just dropped, but the look on Jack’s face told me it wasn’t the right time to talk about it. Jack had been through enough the last day and he didn’t need me to open old wounds and stir up more hard feelings toward his father.
I was growing more concerned about Jack when he was still quiet at home. I made us breakfast since the two of us hadn’t really eaten much in the last twenty-four hours. Jack ate, but was still uncharacteristically quiet. Neither of us had slept in more than a day and I thought that perhaps a nap would make us both feel better. I knew we had to deal with funeral arrangements, but a few hours wouldn’t have made a difference.
I drew the blinds in the bedroom, blackening out the beautiful day outside. I crawled into bed and rested my head in the crook of Jack’s shoulder, where it fit like the spot was made for me. Jack wrapped his arms around me and let out a deep breath.
My voice was a gentle whisper. “Are you okay?”
“Do you want to talk?”
Jack was quiet for a moment before he spoke, “Not now, I just want to hold you, Syd.”
Jack tightened his hold on me, his arms wrapped firmly around my body. I couldn’t have gotten up if I tried — not that I wanted to be anywhere else. His grip didn’t even let up as I listened as his breathing slowed and he finally fell into sleep.
Later in the afternoon, I made funeral arrangements with Betty. Jack was there too, but he stayed quiet, deferring any decisions to Betty and I. I called my parents in the evening, but I didn’t have a chance to ask my mother about her talking to Jack’s dad because Jack was always right next to me.
Chapter 16
The first afternoon of the funeral was a blur of businessmen in suits and introductions to people whose names I would never remember. Jack didn’t let go of my hand the entire afternoon. I was happy that he could lean on me and that I was able to bring him whatever comfort I could give, but he was still keeping everything pent up and it concerned me.
The evening session was different than the afternoon, and seemed to have brought a younger crowd. Many of Jack’s friends came by, including Tyler and almost all of the guys I had met during the week we’d spent in Hawaii. Jack’s mood seemed to lighten by having them around and I was grateful that they could give him that distraction.
I was sitting with Jack, talking to Tyler in the front row, when I saw my parents and Sienna walk in out of the corner of my eye. I actually did a double take, thinking I was seeing things, because I’d had no idea that they were coming. Jack saw my face and followed my line of vision. He gave me a small smile.
Jack released my hand reluctantly. “Go ahead, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
I kissed his cheek and walked briskly to the door.
“I had no idea you were coming!” I hugged my parents and best friend.
“Of course we came, Syd.” My mom spoke first. “You both should be around family at a time like this.” Her words warmed my heart. She spoke about Jack as if he was already part of our family.
Sienna whispered in my ear. “I came for moral support, but if I happen to find a young, handsome, rich relative of Jack’s here that is anything like Jack, that would be a bonus.” Sienna winked at me. I knew she was teasing; she would have come if the only people at the funeral were nuns.
I felt Jack come up behind me a minute later. Even if his presence didn’t still give me goosebumps all over when he came near me, I knew him when he stood near me instantly. Since the day I’d met him, he had been standing in my personal space. Not near my space, in it. If any other person stood that close I would have hated it. In high school I’d had a friend who was a close talker and it drove me crazy; I’d constantly take a step back whenever he spoke to me. But Jack’s invasion of my space had always been a turn on for me. For some reason I didn’t find it rude or annoying. When he invaded my space it reminded me of a lion guarding his cub. It was possessive and sexy and just oh so Jack.
Jack extended his hand to my father, waking me from my momentary lapse of consciousness caused by Jack’s stance behind me. “Jack Heston, Mr. St. Claire. Nice to meet you.”
My father extended his hand. “Please call me Bill, son. I’m sorry this is how we finally got to meet.”
Jack nodded, accepting my father’s condolences. He leaned over and kissed my mother’s cheek. “Renee, thank you for coming.”
Sienna extended her condolences and I watched as the two of them spoke for a few minutes before Tyler walked over and greeted Sienna with a kiss on the cheek. Sienna and Tyler’s relationship was definitely interesting. They could spend days in a hotel room together acting out their every fantasy, yet in public they looked like nothing more than old friends. I had always envied Sienna’s ability to separate her relationships into different compartments and recognize them for what they were.
I almost didn’t recognize Jenna when she approached. Dressed in an appropriate black-fitted suit with her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail, it was the first time I’d seen her with so little skin exposed. She smiled at Jack adoringly as she approached, but I caught her real smile falter when she finally let her eyes wander from Jack long enough to realize I was standing next to him.
“Jack, honey, I’m so sorry about your father.” Jenna kissed his cheek and held onto his arms as she spoke.
Jack thanked Jenna using the generic chatter that I had heard him repeat a hundred times before that day. Knowing that his reaction to her condolences and touch gave him the same reaction as the dozens of men in suits I had met in the last day gave me a secret gratification. I noticed he quickly reclaimed my hand. And I caught Jenna’s eyes as she noticed too, which made it much easier to fake my smile as we greeted each other.
It was almost the end of a very long first day of services when I excused myself to go to the ladies room. We had been sitting in the front row while Jack was talking with the Vice President of the Heston Hotels, so it was a good opportunity for me to slip away. Jack stood as I stood, always the gentleman, and I kissed him on the cheek as I made my way toward the back door.
I saw my parents talking with Sienna and Tyler in the back and figured I might as well kill two birds at once.
“Mom, want to take a walk to the ladies room with me?”